Adiós a las alergias / The Allergy Solution: Por qué estás enfermo todo el tiempo: el plan definitivo para recuperar tu salud / | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年7月

Adiós a las alergias / The Allergy Solution: Por qué estás enfermo todo el tiempo: el plan definitivo para recuperar tu salud /

作者:Galland, Leo/ Galland, Jonathan/ Molinari, Ariadna (TRN)/ Carranza, Andrea (TRN)

La soluci n definitiva para curar las alergias desde la ra z.Actualmente, millones de personas alrededor del mundo padecen alguna enfermedad al rgica. Este libro revolucionario revela que esta epidemia es s lo la punta del iceberg de un fen meno m dico sin precedentes. El alza en los casos de sobrepeso, fatiga, neblina mental, depresi n, problemas de articulaciones, migra as, TDAH y trastornos digestivos en la poblaci n mundial tiene como causa verdadera alergias ocultas, que a su vez son provocadas por un desbalance en el sistema inmune.Leo y Jonathan Galland, pioneros en el campo de la medicina funcional y defensores; incansables del medio ambiente, advierten en este libro de las peligrosas consecuencias de nuestros h bitos modernos --una dieta rica en alimentos procesados, la falta de ejercicio y el uso excesivo de antibi ticos--, as como del deterioro ecol gico del planeta, la contaminaci n y la toxicidad ambiental.Adi s a las alergias nos ense a a restaurar nuestro sistema inmune a trav s de la nutrici n y el estilo de vida para revertir las alergias por completo y no s lo cubrir sus s ntomas.Con un plan de alimentaci n que inicia con tres d as de desintoxicaci n intensa y culmina con la dieta del; equilibrio inmunol gico --f cil de implementar hasta en las agendas m s apretadas--, este libro te dir c mo eliminar las alergias para siempre. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONINTERNATIONAL BESTSELLERAn epidemic of allergies is spreading around the world. One billion people suffer from allergic diseases such as asthma, hay fever, eczema, and food allergies. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. In this groundbreaking book, award-winning doctor Leo Galland, M.D., reveals the shocking rise of hidden allergies that lead to weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, depression, joint pain, headaches, ADHD, digestive problems, and much more. Astonishing new research shows how each of these is linked to the immune imbalance that is at the root of allergy.A brilliant clinician, Dr. Galland has unlocked the power of this breakthrough science to help thousands of patients who have struggled with mysterious symptoms answer the question: "Doctor, what's wrong with me?" Here, he is joined by his son, Jonathan Galland, J.D., a passionate health writer and environmental advocate, in exposing the truth that just as the earth's environment is out of balance, our bodies are out of balance. The modern world, with pollution, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, and excessive exposure to antibiotics, is fueling the rise in allergies.The Allergy Solution takes an in-depth look at how we can balance immunity through nutrition and lifestyle to reverse allergies without drugs. It offers an easy nutritional program, starting with a Three-Day Power Wash designed to "clear the tracks," to help us take back control. Do you suffer from asthma, eczema, or sinusitis? Are you sick of pain, fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, depression, anxiety, or wondering what is behind your mysterious symptoms? Let Dr. Galland's clinical experience and unique insights into cutting-edge science guide you back to health.
