Think Like a Lawyer, Don’’t ACT Like One | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年10月

Think Like a Lawyer, Don’’t ACT Like One

作者:Bourdrez, Aernoud

Aernoud Bourdrez is a lawyer and negotiator, specializing in copyright. As a lawyer, he began his career at Allen & Overy, after which he worked in Höcker lawyers. In 2003, Bourdrez Use Intellectual Property BV (Use-IP), a niche firm in the field of copyright. As a lawyer Bourdrez represents known and unknown photographers, artists, designers, architects and advertising agencies. Bourdrez advised in conflicts in over 35 countries. In 2008 Bourdrez was named by Quote one of the ’25 high potential lawyers under 40 ." Besides his work as a lawyer, Bourdrez collects art fanatically, he runs a marathon now and then, and he continues to be amazed by the number of conflicts that remain simmering.
