Flush | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年7月


作者:Baker, Ivan Wayne

Jacob, a bulimic wrestler, meets Ana, a frail and beautiful anorexic girl who is on a permanent hunger strike against the entire world's problems. Jacob's doomsday worldview is shaken open by Ana's obsession of the plights and horrors of humankind. She wants to show Jacob that there is a better way than consuming everything in sight. Jacob, despite his love and respect for Ana, has trouble communicating and expressing his emotions. Because his self-centered focus on his wrestling and alcohol, Jacob fails to support Ana when she needs it most...

Ivan Baker has a BA in linguistics from UW-Milwaukee. He is one face of the creative triumvirate at Three Faced Media, a new indy publishing company. Besides writing, Ivan pursues life with an adventurous spirit. He is active in hurling and boxing, backpacking, playing guitar, sailing, and a myriad of hobbies.
