You: On a Diet: The Insider’s Guide to Easy and Permanent Weight Loss | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年7月

You: On a Diet: The Insider’s Guide to Easy and Permanent Weight Loss

作者:Michael F. Roizen, Mehmet C. Oz

紐約時報暢銷書排行榜第一名。以36個減重迷思:破解減重難題。用25個測驗問題:找出肥胖因子。幽默風趣,而且有效。上市兩個月,熱銷230萬冊。  大多數想減肥的人,都曾試圖靠節食以及「我的意志一定會戰勝一切」的自信,來抵抗炸雞和起司蛋糕的巨大誘惑。然而,只靠這些就想甩掉肚子裡的肥油,可能比想排出一個像西瓜那麼大的腎結石還難。要減肥成功,你最好先瞭解一些身體的運作方式,包括人為什麼會餓?飽足感是怎麼產生的?儲存脂肪和燃燒脂肪的機制又是如何?瞭解之後你才能按照本書的「YOU計畫」把生理機能調節好,讓身體自然而然回復到健康狀態,你也自然而然擁有理想腰圍。This is the first completely honest diet book that will help you tailor a programme to fit you, with a diet for every body: six diet plans that can be customised to any body type, by the authors of the worldwide bestseller ”You: The Owner’s Manual”. The only way to achieve your health and weight loss goals is to ask yourself one question: What’s your ideal body? It’s no secret that countless people are desperate for help to lose those extra pounds. It seems no matter how many times we think we’ve finally found a magic bullet for weight loss, it just doesn’t work out. And this trend will continue until we recognize that the key to effective and lasting weight loss cannot be found inside a book on cutting carbs, in a video on aerobics, or in a tape on weight loss meditations. Instead, the key to successful long term weight loss can only be found inside one place: you. Welcome to ”You: On a Diet” - a book that finally makes sense of weight control and weight loss and that gives you a specific action plan for helping you define your ideal body and finding the means to achieve it.Ultimately, weight control isn’t about getting as thin as possible - a fact that virtually goes unacknowledged by most diet plans. There are medically obese people who live with no risk of health problems, and there are so-called thin people whose risk of dying is terribly high. Successful weight control is about finding your ideal body. In ”You: On a Diet”, we redefine what a healthy figure is and give you the tool kit to figure out yours. We believe that when you understand your anatomy, you’ll better understand - and appreciate - what you need to do in order to maintain it. This anatomical approach will be one of the things that differentiates us from most plans. This book will teach you everything from what fat looks like to how skin expands. Know the why, and you’ll successfully handle the how.
