Biological Invasions in Chile: Global Causes and Local Impacts | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年5月

Biological Invasions in Chile: Global Causes and Local Impacts

作者:Jaksic, Fabián M.,Castro, Sergio A.

​Fabián M. Jaksic has a degree in Biology from the University of Chile, a PhD in Zoology from the University of California and he is an American Ecological Society certified ecologist. He is currently a professor and director of the Center for Applied Ecology and Sustainability of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (CAPES-UC). He is the author of 209 ISI scientific articles, 37 book chapters, one edited book, and the sole author of three others. Dr. Jaksic is or has been chief editor or an associate of the Chilean Journal of Natural History, Neotropical Wildlife (Costa Rica), Journal of Raptor Research (USA), El Hornero (Argentina), Studies on Neotropical Fauna & Environment (Germany), Neotropical Ornithology (Canada), The Auk (USA), Journal of Arid Environments (UK). He has also received numerous awards and prizes, including Fullbright and Guggenheim scholarships, and the Presidential Chair in Sciences. He has been visiting professor at the universities of Wisconsin, Colorado State and Notre Dame.Sergio A. Castro holds a degree in Biological Sciences and a PhD in Biological Sciences with a major in Ecology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He is currently an associate professor at the School of Chemistry and Biology at the University of Santiago de Chile. Castro has developed research in the field of ecology of plant invasions and other organisms. He is the author of 30 scientific articles (28 ISI) published or in print, of 3 book chapters, and co-author of a book. He is also a researcher associated with the Center for the Development of Nanoscience (CEDENNA).
