My Nanny Has Cancer: Chinese Version | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年7月

My Nanny Has Cancer: Chinese Version

作者:Hudson, Anita/ Cheung, Naomi/ Hudson, Oliver

As a breast cancer patient six years ago, it is my pleasure to translate this book 'My Nanny has Cancer' into Chinese so that more Chinese family suffering form cancer would be benefited from this book. It provides very good guidelines to support young children to cope with adults cancer and make them feel part of the cancer journey of their senior loved ones. Naomi Cheung

I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in November 2013. My grandchildren are very close to me and struggled with my diagnosis. I have worked with children and families for more than 30 years and have a great understanding of their needs. After searching for an appropriate book to support my grandchildren to understand my diagnosis of cancer. I could not find anything appropriate to their needs. I decided to write the book myself. During chemotherapy one day I wrote the book and shared it with other patients who were also having chemotherapy. Once I was happy with the content I supported my grandson to draw the pictures for the book. The book helped him come to terms with the diagnosis as we told the story. He is now able to openly ask questions, which he was unable to do previously. I set about creating a bilingual Chinese version after I was invited as a guest speaker at a Chinese cancer support group. Naomi a great friend translated the book to enable Chinese patients to access the book. I am very grateful to Naomi for her support and hard work in creating the bilingual version. The money raised will go to the Chinese cancer support group.
