BrainStorming: Functional Lessons from a Dysfunctional Brain | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年6月

BrainStorming: Functional Lessons from a Dysfunctional Brain

作者:Fall, Tara

What happens when you wake with amnesia because seizures stole your memories? How do you overcome challenges created from a stroke which destroyed enough eyesight to create homonymous hemianopia and left you learning to walk again alongside your toddler? How do you find your place in a mystifying world where prosopagnosia reveals only strangers -not recognizing even those most familiar to you? You persevere When life knocks you down, you can find the strength to stand again. Tara Fall faced all of these challenges and more. She created peace living with epilepsy, having brain surgery, and being a young stroke survivor. Her challenges will never lessen, yet her optimism and hope will never falter. Fall's book is filled with essays sharing lessons she gained throughout her extraordinary journey. This unique perception goes beyond neurological conditions and also offers insight into adversity everyone experiences. "A remarkable journey of resiliency Tara's ability to remain positive when facing unexpected challenges sends a powerful message of hope." - Susanna Funk, ARNP"While brain damage can rob an individual of specific memories and abilities like recognizing faces, Tara's story is living proof that one's spirit can rise above all. Her first-hand account of surviving seizures, brain surgery, and stroke are filled with insight that transcends her unique experience and leaves the reader filled with inspiration. I highly recommend this book to any patient or caregiver who has been affected by brain damage and left wondering how to persevere through the storm." Justin Feinstein, PhD Clinical Neuropsychologist Laureate Institute for Brain Research
