Chinese Overseas Students and Intercultural Learning Environments: Academic Adjustment, Adaptation and Experience | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年5月

Chinese Overseas Students and Intercultural Learning Environments: Academic Adjustment, Adaptation and Experience

作者:Zhu, Jiani

What happens when East travels West? In today's increasingly globalized world, these collisions are becoming increasingly common in universities- especially due to the growth of migratory students . As the largest international population studying abroad in the world, Chinese students' learning experience in an intercultural environment calls for more attention. This book covers an array of problems common to Chinese students studying abroad and explores how these students academically adjust to an intercultural environment. It also highlights how they familiarize themselves with the education system, ranging from the types of courses, academic tasks and examinations to the structure of the education as a whole in the host country, as they negotiate the gulf between academic expectations at home versus those in the host university environment and communicate with domestic lecturers and students.

Jiani Zhu is an Assistant Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the Graduate School of Education, China where her research interests include academic adjustment of international Chinese students and scholars.
