The Everything Thyroid Disease Book: A Complete Thyroid Disorder Education in One Source! | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年7月

The Everything Thyroid Disease Book: A Complete Thyroid Disorder Education in One Source!

作者:Lowrance, Jim

This comprehensive thyroid information resource contains 61 chapters divided into three easy-to-navigate sections. SECTION ONE: "Everything about Hypothyroidism" - An under active thyroid gland, accounts for 80% of thyroid disorder cases and this section contains 17 chapters dedicated to the most common thyroid disorder that exists. SECTION TWO: "Everything about Hyperthyroidism" - An overactive thyroid gland, accounts for 20% of thyroid disease cases. Within the 10-chapters, the most common cause - Graves' disease is also addressed, as well as complications, including Thyroid Eye Disease, toxic diffuse goiter, hot nodules, myopathy of the muscles and a hyperthyroid condition that can be life-threatening (i.e. thyroid storm). SECTION THREE: "Everything about Thyroid Disease" - Containing 34 chapters covering everything about disorders, conditions and imbalances of the thyroid gland. Included, is information on thyroid antibodies (autoimmunity), goiters, thyroid nodules, cancer, risk factors for developing thyroid disease, types of thyroiditis, coping with a diseased thyroid gland, famous people with thyroid disease (like Oprah Winfrey) and much, much more.

I am a husband, father, grandfather and lifetime contract salesman, with experience in health writing that began in 2004. I completed theological studies with Liberty University in 1996. I formerly served as editor and forum moderator of Thyroid Health for a major multi-topic content site and as a general health writer for another, where I received Editor’s Choice Awards for my articles on health subjects. In 2003 I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism; "Hashimoto’s thyroiditis" being the cause. This autoimmune form of thyroid disease that causes destruction of the thyroid gland resulted in my also developing "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", due to a compromised immune system with severe co-morbid "Adrenal Fatigue". I also suffered severe anxiety symptoms, including panic attacks early into the onset of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (Hashitoxicosis). A common heart murmur I was diagnosed with in my teens called "Mitral Valve Prolapse", also worsened in severity of symptoms, with the development of these other health disorders. My eventual receiving of diagnoses was a difficult process with proper diagnostic testing not being ordered by the first doctors I sought treatment from. These types of issues were inspiration for me to become proactive in my own health care and to self-educate myself on these health disorders, which I have done extensively since 2003. I now enjoy sharing this information with other patients experiencing my same health disorders.
