英語關鍵力!介系詞+動詞 用法總整理:【1書+1片朗讀MP3光碟】 | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年10月

英語關鍵力!介系詞+動詞 用法總整理:【1書+1片朗讀MP3光碟】




  Q1. I set my alarm to __________ at 6:45 a.m.
  (A) go off  (B) go for  (C) go with

  Q2. Simon always tried to __________ his monthly budget.
  (A) keep down  (B) keep off   (C) keep to

  Q3. Sally and Jane really __________ their father.
  (A) take off  (B) take after  (C) take on

  答案:Q1 (A)、Q2 (C)、Q3 (B)。

  那你一定不能錯過這本《英語關鍵力!介系詞+動詞 用法總整理》!




  Section 1 介系詞
  第一部份要介紹的是幾個最常用的「介系詞」(prepositions)。介系詞看似簡單,但你是否常遇到在講一個英文句子時,一時不知該用哪個介系詞的情況呢?例如:「門的鑰匙」是the key of the door 還是the key to the door 呢?在此介系詞要用to,因為鑰匙是打開門的工具,並非附屬於門的一部分。

  I’ll pay the bill. / It’s my treat. (我付帳。/我請客。)
  → It’s on me.

  Section 2 動詞、片語動詞
  本書Section 2 則要來學習日常生活中一些簡單卻實用的動詞,像是go、get、keep等等。而動詞後面加上介系詞或副詞,便會形成片語動詞(phrasal verb)。

  許多片語動詞常會有多個不同的意思,比如pick up 指「拿起;撿起」,另外還有「接、載(乘客)」、「順便買」、「(偶然)學會」等意思。要能與老外溝通,依上下文去活用、理解片語便是不可或缺的一環。

  而許多片語動詞中的每個字看起來都不難,但湊在一起時卻常讓非母語人士聽得「霧煞煞」。若搞不清楚的話,便可能在與老外溝通時雞同鴨講。比如sleep on it 字面指「睡在上面」,但引申指帶著這件事入睡、多一點時間考慮後再做決定。因此Let me sleep on it. 這句話便帶有「讓我考慮一下再做決定」的意思。





Section 1 Prepositions介系詞
Unit 1 Learn English Prepositions 認識介系詞
1-1 Commonly Used Prepositions 常用介系詞
1-2 The Preposition and Its Object 介系詞與受詞的關係

Unit 2 General Characteristics of Prepositions 介系詞的特性
2-1 The Objects of Prepositions 介系詞之後可接的受詞
2-2 Function of Prepositions 介系詞的功能

Unit 3 Prepositions of Time 表時間的介系詞
3-1 At、On、In 在……的時候
3-2 By、Before 在……之前
3-3 Till、Until、Up to 到……的時候
3-4 During、In、Throughout 在……期間
3-5 For、Since 已有(一段時間)或自從(某時起)
Unit 4 Prepositions of Spatial Relationships 表空間的介系詞
4-1 Prepositions of Locations/Places 表位置、地點的介系詞
4-2 Prepositions of Directions 表方向的介系詞
Unit 5 Prepositions of Manner 表「藉由……工具、方式」
Unit 6 Commonly Confused Prepositions 容易混淆的介系詞

Section 2 Verbs and Phrasal Verbs 動詞與片語動詞
Unit 1 Go 去/離開
1-1 go for
1-2 go with
1-3 go without
1-4 go on
1-5 go through
1-6 go by
1-7 go into
1-8 go off    
1-9 go out
1-10 go over

Unit 2 Get 獲得/贏得
2-1 get in
2-2 get by
2-3 get along
2-4 get away
2-5 get back
2-6 get across
2-7 get over
2-8 get through
2-9 get around
2-10 get rid of

Unit 3 Come 來/來到
3-1 come to
3-2 come from
3-3 come back
3-4 come in
3-5 come out
3-6 come over
3-7 come by
3-8 come on
3-9 come down
3-10 come off
3-11 come between
3-12 come up
3-13 come across
3-14 come along
3-15 come around
3-16 come through
3-17 come under
3-18 come together
3-19 come about
3-20 come of age

Unit 4 Keep 保留/保持
4-1 keep from
4-2 keep on
4-3 keep going    
4-4 keep after
4-5 keep to
4-6 keep track of
4-7 keep out
4-8 keep pace with
4-9 keep company with
4-10 keep back
4-11 keep down
4-12 keep in
4-13 keep off

Unit 5 Take 拿取/帶去
5-1 take out
5-2 take away    
5-3 take over    
5-4 take down    
5-5 take off
5-6 take action    
5-7 take to
5-8 take up
5-9 take back
5-10 take after    
5-11 take on
5-12 take in
5-13 take apart    
5-14 take note    

Unit 6 Give 給予
6-1 give away    
6-2 give back
6-3 give oneself/sb. up
6-4 give in
6-5 give off
6-6 give up
6-7 give out
6-8 give birth to sth.
6-9 give thought to    
6-10 give way    
6-11 give or take
6-12 give ground
6-13 give chase

Unit 7 Put 放置
7-1 put on
7-2 put off
7-3 put in    
7-4 put at
7-5 put up
7-6 put down
7-7 put away
7-8 put together
7-9 put out
7-10 put through
7-11 put over
7-12 put behind
7-13 put forward
7-14 put before

Unit 8 Work 工作/運作
8-1 work out
8-2 work on
8-3 work up
8-4 work it
8-5 work through
8-6 work around
8-7 work at
8-8 work in
8-9 work into
8-10 work off
8-11 work wonders    

Unit 9 Do 做/辦
9-1 do away with
9-2 do over
9-3 do (well/badly) by
9-4 do up    
9-5 do with
9-6 do without    
9-7 do in
9-8 do justice
9-9 do out of
9-10 do well to
9-11 do battle

Unit 10 Turn 轉動
10-1 turn on
10-2 turn back
10-3 turn off
10-4 turn in
10-5 turn to
10-6 turn into    
10-7 turn over    
10-8 turn out
10-9 turn up
10-10 turn around
10-11 turn down
10-12 turn away
10-13 turn against
10-14 turn loose

Unit 11 Leave 離開/留下
11-1 leave behind    
11-2 leave off    
11-3 leave out    
11-4 leave alone
11-5 leave a mark on
11-6 leave sth. to sb.
11-7 leave a lot to be desired
11-8 leave breathless
11-9 leave sb./sth. hanging
11-10 leave office    

Unit 12 Catch 抓住
12-1 catch up    
12-2 catch on
12-3 catch fire    
12-4 catch one’s breath
12-5 catch out
12-6 be caught dead
12-7 be caught short

Unit 13 Break 打破
13-1 break up    
13-2 break off    
13-3 break even
13-4 break through    
13-5 break away
13-6 break down
13-7 break out    
13-8 break in
13-9 break into
13-10 break the bank
13-11 break ground
13-12 break open
13-13 break the back of
13-14 break with

Unit 14 Cut 切
14-1 cut down    
14-2 cut up
14-3 cut off
14-4 cut through
14-5 cut out
14-6 cut in
14-7 cut away
14-8 cut it
14-9 cut corners
14-10 cut loose

Unit 15 Move 移動
15-1 move along
15-2 move it
15-3 move on
15-4 move in
15-5 move into
15-6 move over
15-7 move up

Unit 16 Call 稱呼/打電話
16-1 call up
16-2 call the shots
16-3 call in
16-4 call out
16-5 call for
16-6 call off
16-7 call on/upon
16-8 call it a day
16-9 call it quits
16-10 call into question
16-11 call into action
16-12 call to order
16-13 call time

Unit 17 Bring 帶來/拿來
17-1 bring back
17-2 bring about
17-3 bring in
17-4 bring before
17-5 bring around
17-6 bring down
17-7 bring on    
17-8 bring out
17-9 bring up
17-10 bring together
17-11 bring forth
17-12 bring forward
17-13 bring oneself

Unit 18 Hold 握住    
18-1 hold down
18-2 hold on
18-3 hold to
18-4 hold up
18-5 hold one’s tongue
18-6 hold back    
18-7 hold together
18-8 hold off
18-9 hold over    
18-10 hold still
18-11 hold out    
18-12 hold true
18-13 hold the fort
18-14 hold water
18-15 hold firm
18-16 hold against

Unit 19 Play 玩/彈奏    
19-1 play with    
19-2 play for
19-3 play around
19-4 play back    
19-5 play on
19-6 play down
19-7 play into
19-8 play off
19-9 play out
19-10 play along
19-11 play up
19-12 play to
19-13 play at
19-14 play against
19-15 play the field    
19-16 play the fool

Unit 20 Run 奔跑
20-1 run away    
20-2 run off
20-3 run up
20-4 run down    
20-5 run after
20-6 run into
20-7 run high
20-8 run out
20-9 run by/past
20-10 run over    
20-11 run through
20-12 run around
20-13 run on
20-14 run a fever
20-15 run its course    

Unit 21 See 看見
21-1 see through
21-2 see to
21-3 see off
21-4 see around
21-5 see out
21-6 see in
21-7 see eye to eye
21-8 see red
21-9 see the light
21-10 see fit    
21-11 see the back of

Unit 22 Make 製作
22-1 make of    
22-2 make up    
22-3 make for    
22-4 make up one’s mind
22-5 make it    
22-6 make out    
22-7 make do    
22-8 make like    
22-9 make or break    
22-10 make over    
22-11 make sb.’s day

Unit 23 Think 思考
23-1 think of
23-2 think over
23-3 think better of    
23-4 think less of
23-5 think nothing of
23-6 think outside the box
23-7 think ahead
23-8 think back
23-9 think big
23-10 think aloud

Unit 24 Find 找到/發現
24-1 find out
24-2 find fault    
24-3 find oneself
24-4 find one’s way
24-5 find its mark/target    
24-6 find agreement on
24-7 find one’s bearings    
24-8 find a new compass    

Unit 25 Tell 告訴
25-1 tell apart
25-2 tell time
25-3 tell of
25-4 tell off
25-5 tell on

Unit 26 Try 試圖
26-1 try on
26-2 try for
26-3 try sb.’s patience
26-4 try out
26-5 try one’s luck

Unit 27 Pick 挑選
27-1 pick on
27-2 pick up
27-3 pick a fight
27-4 pick sb.’s pocket
27-5 pick at
27-6 pick out
27-7 pick sb.’s brains
27-8 pick off
27-9 pick one’s way

Unit 28 Sleep 睡覺
28-1 sleep over
28-2 sleep on it
28-3 sleep through
28-4 sleep like a log/baby
28-5 sleep tight
28-6 sleep away
28-7 sleep in
28-8 sleep off
28-9 sleep with
28-10 sleep a wink

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