5 Horse Types: Your Horse’’s Personality According to Traditional Chinese Medicine | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年10月

5 Horse Types: Your Horse’’s Personality According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

作者:Gosmeier, Ina

b>Dr. Ina Gösmeier studied veterinary medicine at the University of Giessen, after which she worked in a practice for horses and small animals. She subsequently obtained the specialist qualification in acupuncture and undertook additional studies in Chinese herbology at universities in China and Switzerland. Dr. Gösmeier has herself taken part in Grand Prix dressage and she obtained her qualification of "Master in Horse Breeding and Management" in 1989. She is also involved in the teaching of acupuncture to veterinary practitioners at universities and lectures regularly in the USA, Britain, and Ireland. Since 2002, Dr. Gösmeier has been responsible for horses for German teams at championship events, including the Olympic games in London and Rio, where her job was to maintain the health, well-being and performance of the team horses with her naturopathic methods.She is also the author of Acupressure for Horses and an accompanying video of the same title.
