Marimekko: The Art of Printmaking芬蘭國寶品牌Marimekko70周年限定:印花藝術 | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年7月

Marimekko: The Art of Printmaking芬蘭國寶品牌Marimekko70周年限定:印花藝術

作者:Marimekko,Borelli-Persson, Laird

  ★70周年限定新款Suur Unikko罌粟花布面封面
  1951年由Armi Ratia所創立的Marimekko以鮮明的印花藝術與獨特色彩風靡全球,Marimekko是芬蘭語「女性的裙子」,透過充滿活力的色彩與抽象圖案的裙子,讓女性透過大膽的服裝來勇敢表達自我。而標誌性罌粟花更是辨識度最高的圖案,見花如見品牌。時至今日,Marimekko不僅成為時尚的象徵,也成為一種生活方式,並且將時裝、包包、配飾與家飾品結合,向世界訴說愉悅的生活態度。
  今年適逢Marimekko誕生70周年,推出一連串以”The Art of Printmaking”為核心的慶祝活動。其中品牌便與英國著名藝術圖書出版社Thames & Hudson合作推出一本限量畫冊《Marimekko: The Art of Printmaking》,訴說這個享譽全球的生活風格設計品牌,創造經典設計的背後故事。
  《Marimekko :The Art of Printmaking》布面精裝畫冊共272頁,400張照片,由《VOGUE》歷史檔案編輯Laird Borelli-Persson撰文,帶領讀者看到Marimekko成功的傳奇故事,絕對是熱愛印花圖案與時尚設計粉絲們獨一無二的年度收藏。
  Finnish for ‘Mary’s dress’, Marimekko was founded in 1951 by Armi Ratia. Going against the restrictive fashion of the period, it produced flowing dresses in abstract patterns and vibrant colours, which remain the house’s signature to this day. Over the last eight decades, Marimekko's artists have created some 3,500 designs, which have graced clothing, bags, accessories, ceramics, bedding, fabric, and more.

  Blending archival photographs and advertisements with modern campaign imagery as well as newly commissioned photography, Marimekko: The Art of Printmaking tells the story of the house’s most iconic designs. Four distinct sections guide the reader through the Marimekko philosophy and lifestyle, via its factory in Herttoniemi, where fabrics have been created from the very beginning, on to a rich sourcebook of pattern and finally to the brand’s ultra-sustainable, super-creative future.

  In ‘Art of Printmaking’, follow the making of the iconic Unikko (poppy) print, its multiple variants and colourways, and discover how an initial idea evolves from sketch to dress, through colour trials and printing table. Learn Marimekko’s unique ‘Language of Pattern’, through in-depth explorations of its iconic patterns, interspersed with the themes – floral, minimalistic, architectural – that make up Marimekko’s vivid lexicon. In ‘Making Marimekko’ and ‘Marimekko Next’, discover the past, present, and future of this creative powerhouse, in the voices of its own creative talents. Dive into the exhilarating tale of Marimekko’s success and an unstoppable whirlwind of breath-taking imagery.
