Song of Solomon | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年7月

Song of Solomon

作者:Morrison, Toni

故事由一名黑人男子將「慈愛」醫院屋頂作為「飛行」起點展開──主角奶人‧迭德(Milkman Dead)出生前不久,一位住在他家附近的怪人為了想飛,從屋頂上縱身一躍,他的嘗試並未成功。而奶人終其一生,也嘗試著飛翔。





★     諾貝爾獎得主童妮‧摩里森令人驚嘆的長篇小說!
★     美國「全國書評家協會獎」得獎作品
★     書評媒體高度評價,愛讀者不能錯過的佳作!









In this celebrated novel, Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison created a new way of rendering the contradictory nuances of black life in America. Its earthy poetic language and striking use of folklore and myth established Morrison as a major voice in contemporary fiction.


Song of Solomon begins with one of the most arresting scenes in our century's literature: a dreamlike tableau depicting a man poised on a roof, about to fly into the air, while cloth rose petals swirl above the snow-covered ground and, in the astonished crowd below, one woman sings as another enters premature labor. The child born of that labor, Macon (Milkman) Dead, will eventually come to discover, through his complicated progress to maturity, the meaning of the drama that marked his birth. Toni Morrison's novel is at once a romance of self-discovery, a retelling of the black experience in America that uncovers the inalienable poetry of that experience, and a family saga luminous in its depth, imaginative generosity, and universality. It is also a tribute to the ways in which, in the hands of a master, the ancient art of storytelling can be used to make the mysterious and invisible aspects of human life apparent, real, and firm to the touch.


童妮‧摩里森(Toni Morrison)

本名Chloe Anthony Wofford,1931年生於美國俄亥俄州樂仁鎮。1953年畢業於華府以專收非裔學生揚名的郝華德大學(Howard University)英文系,兩年後取得康乃爾大學文學碩士學位,專研福克納和吳爾芙意識流小說。1965年起在紐約州雪城藍燈出版社分社擔任教科書編輯,之後並獲聘為紐約市藍燈出版社總社編輯。在工作與育兒之餘,她開始從事小說創作。1970年出版第一部小說《最藍的眼睛》(The Bluest Eye),此後創作不輟,陸續出版《蘇拉》(Sula, 1973)、《所羅門之歌》(Song of Solomon, 1977)、《黑寶貝》(Tar Baby, 1981)、《寵兒》(Beloved, 1987)等四部小說,其中,《所羅門之歌》榮獲全國書評家協會獎;《寵兒》贏得普立茲獎小說類獎項。其間,並因其傑出的創作表現,先後受聘於知名大學任教,1989年更榮膺普林斯頓大學羅柏‧高欣人文學講座講座教授,在該校教授文學創作,直至2006年5月榮退。1992年,小說《爵士樂》(Jazz)和文學論述《在暗處戲耍:白色和文學想像》(Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination)出版。次年獲頒諾貝爾文學獎,獲獎頌辭推崇其作品具有史詩力量,以精準的對話詩意盎然地呈現出美國黑人的世界。近十多年來,創作力始終亢沛不墜,長篇小說《樂園》(Paradise, 1997)和《Love》(Love, 2003)出版之後依舊佳評如潮。
Toni Morrison is the author of eleven novels, from The Bluest Eye (1970) to God Help the Child (2015). She received the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Pulitzer Prize, and in 1993 she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. She died in 2019.
