The anorexic dream of a vexed skeleton: breathe in | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年7月

The anorexic dream of a vexed skeleton: breathe in

作者:Grimsley, Paul

Sometimes the dream doesn't exactly die, but it becomes impoverished, and that makes life and the very motion of survival seem very difficult. Sometimes poetry comes out of these experiences.

Owner of a restless pen, listener and maker of the Musehick, culler of the skull, the insomnihack, weaponizer. Prolific poet and multi-genre writer; made in the UK, re-tooled in the US of A. Over seventy books of poetry, exploring the full stretch of the lyric and intellectual capacity of as many poetical forms as he can find. Four collections of short stories that push and pull at science fiction and literary conventions. More websites than an army of typewriting monkeys could have formulated. Paul Grimsley has appeared in Issue 1 of ’Showcase Press Poetry Journal’; Issue 1 of ’Out Of The Gutter’; Issue 4 of ’Throwragmag’; Number 4 of ’Dark Lady Poetry’; and #1 of Weaponizer Quarterly. Writer, Prizefighter, Caffeine-Inspired All-Nighter. Tabloid mouth, broadsheet mind.
