跟老外聊天有這本就夠了(50k附MP3) | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年7月




CHAPTE    1工作場合(In the Workplace)
一.去機場接客戶  (Picking up Customers at the Airport)
1.出關後碰面(meeting after immigration)2.行程說明(schedule arrangement)3.交通安排(transport arrangements)4.搭乘交通工具時(in the vehicles)
二.抵達住宿地時 (Upon Arriving at theAccommodations)
1.環境說明(environment description)2.辦理入住登記手續(check in)3.飯店服務(hotel services information)4.明日行程(tomorrow’s visit arrangements)5.聯絡方式(contact information)
三.抵達會議現場時 (Upon Arriving at the Conference Site)
1.環境說明(environment description)2.方向指引(giving directions)3.行程說明(conference agenda)4.用餐(having a meal)5.貴賓介紹(introduction to the guests)6.結束後歡送(saying goodbye)
四.招待客戶(Entertaining the Clients)
1.介紹台灣美食(Taiwan’s delicious foods)台灣常見美食列表(1)台灣常見美食列表(2)台灣常見美食列表(3)台灣常見美食列表(4)2.餐廳特色說明(restaurant description)3.飲酒時(when drinking)4.卡拉OK(karaoke)5.台灣景點 015.台灣景點 02(tourist attractions in Taiwan)其他台灣有名的觀光景點6.台灣名產、紀念品(Taiwan’s special products & souvenirs)台灣常見紀念品
五.送機(To See Someone Off)
1.至飯店接送(picking the clients up at the hotel)2.乘坐交通工具時(in the vehicles)3.抵達機場(when arriving at the airport)4.登機前的手續(check in before the flight)5.致贈紀念品(presenting the clients with souvenirs)6.表達感謝(expressing gratitude)7.道別(saying goodbye)
CHAPTE   2學習場合(On Learning Occasions)
一.學校語言教室(Language Classrooms at Schools)
1.自我介紹(學習背景)(self-introduction: educational background)2.學習動機(learning motivation)3.學習目標(learning objectives)4.描述學校(school description)5.學習經驗(learning experience)6.與外籍師生互動(interacting with foreign teachers and students)7.聯繫方式(contact information)
二.研討會(Symposiums /Seminars)
1.迎接(greeting)2.流程說明(procedure description)3.環境介紹 (environment description)4.參加動機 (motivation for participation)5.心得分享(experience sharing)
三.補習班(Cram Schools)
1.學習背景(learning background)2.學習內容(learning contents)3.學習動機(learning motivations)4.學習目標(learning goals)5.學習心得(learning experiences)6.補教業現象(phenomenon of cram schools)
CHAPTE   3朋友場合(Being with Friends)
一.聚餐(Dining Together)
1.聚餐原因 (reasons for dining together)2.時間、地點 (time & place)3.餐點、活動 (meals & activities)二.文化娛樂活動(Cultural & Recreational Activities)
1.音樂會、演唱會(concerts)2.展覽(exhibitions)3.電影、電視節目(movies & TV shows)電影類型電視類型
三.體育活動(Sports Activities)
1.聊運動(talking about exercise & sports)2.聊運動比賽(talking about sports)
四.聊興趣、嗜好(Interests & Hobbies)1.靜態(sedentary activities)2.動態(dynamic activities)
五、聊近況(Talking About Recent Situations)
1.工作(work)2.家人(family)3.感情(love relationships)4.健康(health)
六、聊寵物(Talking About Pets)
七、聊算命(Talking About  Fortunetelling)
1.星座、血型(star signs & blood types)十二星座表2.紫微斗數、八字(Zi Wei Dou Shu & the Eight Characters)
八、聊時尚(Talking About Fashions)
1.服飾、裝飾品(clothing and accessories)2.外型打扮、保養(dressing up & carrying age)
1.大眾運輸工具(public transportation)2.汽機車(cars & motorcycles)
十、聊購物(Going Shopping)
1.便利商店、超級市場 (convenience stores & supermarkets)2.傳統市場、購物中心 (traditional markets & shopping malls)
十一、聊常見的機構 (Talking About Common                Institutions)
1.銀行、郵局 (banks & post offices)2.圖書館、文化中心 (libraries & cultural centers)
十二、聊國粹 (Talking About the Quintessence of Chinese Culture)
1.麻將 (mahjong)2.武術 (martial arts)3. 中醫 (Chinese medicine)

CHAPTE 1 工作場合(In the Workplace)一、去機場接客戶 (Picking up Customers at the Airport)在今日國際化的環境裡,職場上被派予赴機場迎接客戶的機會越來越常見,與其擔心沒有足夠的英文能力去面對,不如先一步熟悉機場各種情境,做好事先的演練,讓國外的客戶留下好印象,並增高事業合作成功的可能性。此部分的內容主要為客戶出關後迎接時的用語,以及向客戶說明行程的安排、交通工具的安排以及乘坐時的寒暄用語。引言的關鍵單字或片語:1. airport [ˋɛr͵port] (名詞)機場2. greet [grit] (動詞)迎接3. client [ˋklaɪənt] (名詞)客戶4. immigration [͵ɪməˋgreʃən] (名詞)入境審查5. schedule [ˋskɛdʒʊl] (名詞)行程表,計劃表6. traffic arrangements [ˋtræfɪk] [əˋrendʒmənts](名詞片語)交通安排1.出關後碰面 (meeting after immigration)相關用語1. You must be Kelly. 您一定就是凱莉吧。2. Nice to meet you, Mr. Ho. 很高興見到你,何先生。3. Welcome to Taiwan! 歡迎來到台灣!4. My name is Vicky. 我是維琪。5. How was your flight? 您旅途還順利嗎?6. Allow me to take your suitcase. 讓我來替您拿行李箱。7. Let me give you the hotel information.讓我把飯店訊息給您。單字、片語、句型解說1. meet [mit](動詞) 遇見 【三態:meet/met/met】例句: I met her at the station.我在車站遇見她。2. flight [flaɪt](名詞) 飛行,航程例句: It’s a long flight. 這是趟長途飛行。3. allow [əˋlaʊ](動詞) 允許 【三態:allow/allowed/allowed】例句: He allowed us to smoke.他允許我們抽煙。4. suitcase [ˋsut͵kes](名詞) 行李箱例句: I need a suitcase. 我需要一個行李箱。5. let [lɛt](動詞) 讓,允許例句: Let me do it.讓我來吧。6. give [gɪv](動詞) 給【三態:give/gave/given】例句: Please give me a glass of water.請給我一杯水。7. information [͵ɪnfɚˋmeʃən](名詞) 資訊例句: Can you give me some information about the hotel?你可以給我一些飯店的相關訊息嗎?【補充】information desk [͵ɪnfɚˋmeʃən] [dɛsk](名詞片語) 服務台例句: Excuse me, do you know where the information desk is?不好意思,您知道服務台在哪裡嗎?2.行程說明 (schedule arrangement)相關用語1. We are getting to the hotel first.我們會先去飯店。2. We will be dropping you off at the hotel.我們會放您在飯店下車。3. We can stop somewhere on the way.我們可以在路上稍作停留。4. Do you need to exchange some money?你需要換錢嗎?5. The meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.會議在明早九點召開。6. We will pick you up at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow.我們明早八點半會來接你。7. We will have lunch at a restaurant near the company tomorrow.明天我們會在公司附近的一家餐廳用中餐。單字、片語、句型解說1. drop off [drɑp] [ɔf](動詞片語) 中途卸客例句: Drop her off at the hotel.在飯店讓她下車。2. stop [stɑp](動詞) 停止 【三態:stop/stopped/stopped】例句: Stop talking to me.不要再對我說話了。3. somewhere [ˋsʌm͵hwɛr] (副詞) 某處例句: Let’s go out somewhere.我們到什麼地方玩玩吧。4. on the way [ɑn] [ðə] [we] (介係詞片語) 途中例句: We are on the way to school.我們在去學校的路上。5. exchange [ɪksˋtʃendʒ](動詞) 交換 【三態:exchange/exchanged/exchanged】例句: He needs to exchange some money.他需要換些錢。6. meeting [ˋmitɪŋ]會議例句: I am at a meeting.我在開會。7. hold [hold](動詞) 舉行 【三態:hold/held/held】 例句: They will hold a meeting tomorrow.他們明天將開會。8. pick up [pɪk] [ʌp](動詞片語) 接…人例句: Mary will pick me up at the hotel.瑪麗會來飯店接我。9. restaurant [ˋrɛstərənt](名詞) 餐廳例句: I had dinner at a French restaurant yesterday.昨天我在一家法式餐廳用晚餐。10. near [nɪr](介係詞) 在…附近例句: I live near a school.我住在學校附近。
