OK Danny Boy: Love | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年5月

OK Danny Boy: Love

作者:Johnson, Felicia

Part three: "LOVE" follows Daniel after his treatment in Bent Creek Hospital into his recovery process. The spin off of "HER" is called "OK Danny Boy". This three part book series follows the story of an artistic and mysterious young man who Kristen meets during her stay in Bent Creek Hospital. Daniel proved to be a supportive peer, whom Kristen saw as a positive influence throughout her recovery. However, Daniel had not always been a role model. Daniel is diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder, OCD and Juvenile Diabetes. His story follows his journey throughout his healing and learning to cope with life's transitions, coming of age, living with mental illness as well as a physical illness and the suicide of a close friend. Fans of "HER" will get to see what it was like on the other side of the Adolescent Ward. Part one: "CHAOS" follows Daniel's life before he goes into Bent Creek Hospital during his mental breakdown. Part two: "MONSTER" follows Daniel's story while he is in Bent Creek Hospital through his treatment.

FELICIA JOHNSON (www.feliciajohnsonauthor.com) is a child abuse survivor & live thriver! Felicia is a best selling author, award winning global speaker, mental health & youth advocate, and big sister. She is a active youth mentor and speaker for The Personality Disorder Awareness Network (PDAN) and The National Alliance On Mental Illness (NAMI). Johnson’s debut novel, Her, is a survivor’s tale of endurance that illustrates the complex illness of Borderline Personality Disorder. (http: //www.herthebook.com)
