EFT Emotional Freedom Technique & Acupressure, Color Breathing, Visualization for Healthy Mind, Body & Clear Eyesight: Natural V | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年7月

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique & Acupressure, Color Breathing, Visualization for Healthy Mind, Body & Clear Eyesight: Natural V

作者:Night, Clark/ Bates, William H.

Color version. Black and white copy is available for lower price on Amazon.com. EFT is an Easy Type of Chinese Acupressure, Puncture without Needles or Hard Pressure. EFT is applied by 'TAPPING', activating energy points, meridians on/in the body with the fingertips. Tapping removes energy blocks, (stuck, stagnant energy), orients, 'polarizes', corrects, balances and strengthens the energy flow in the body, through the Meridians/Energy Pathways, Energy Points, Chakras, Nervous System. (Electric, Chi and other Energies, Physical and Spiritual.) Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Karate Energy Control Methods are related to EFT. EFT removes negative, destructive emotions, thoughts, feelings, stress from the mind/brain, system by correcting energy flow. The body's energies flow correct and strengthen. EFT balances and improves function of the left and right brain hemispheres. This produces good health, clear eyesight. Neck, chest, shoulder, eye muscle tension, stiff, infrequent eye 'shifting' movements, headaches, strain in the mind/brain, negative, unhappy past/present thoughts, emotions, experiences, blocked energy flow, lowered liver/kidney health, staring, squinting cause unclear eyesight. Negative, destructive thoughts, emotions, worry are a common cause of mental strain, back, chest, shoulder, neck, eye muscle tension and unclear eyesight. Lowered eyesight increases worry, mental strain, which then increases the body.., neck, eye muscle tension. Eye function is impaired. Light rays focus incorrect in the eye. Circulation to/in the eye lowers. Vision is more unclear. EFT, Nutrition, Natural Eyesight Improvement corrects these conditions; Blocked energy (experienced during a stressful event) happens first, before the negative emotions occur and locks them into the mind/body. Negative thoughts, emotions maintain blocked energy flow. Removing blocked energy first results in removal of the negative emotions, thoughts, feelings and often brings instant clear eyesight. As EFT Tapping removes energy blocks, corrects the energy flow, resulting in removal of negative emotions, thoughts, feelings; the person can then place positive, constructive thoughts into the mind, system; think, feel in a positive, constructive way about the past or present stressful event. Positive thoughts, emotions help to correct and strengthen the body's energy flow. Correct energy flow is now maintained. Mental and physical health improve, eye function returns to normal, eyesight is 20/20 and clearer at all distances, close and far. Health of body organs, systems improve as energy flows correct throughout the body. EFT improves the function of the brain, visual cortex, left and right brain hemisphere activation, integration. This improves function of the brain with the eyes, retina, eye muscles and body. Eyesight and mental, physical health improve. Memory, imagination, math, science, speech, learning, creativity, art, music.., skills - all functions of the brain, left and right hemispheres even the oldest, deep survival areas of the brain improve. This is a main treatment of Natural Eyesight Improvement. Includes 20 PDF E-Books: Natural Eyesight (Vision) Improvement Training; +Do It Yourself-Natural Eyesight Improvement-Original and Modern Bates Method +Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - (Unedited, Full Set - 132 Magazine Issues - 11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Illustrated with 500 Pictures and additional, up to date Modern Natural Eyesight Improvement Training. + Original Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Photo copy of all his Original Antique Magazine Pages in the 1900's Print. All of William H. Bates, Clark Night Books included in the PDF. Video and Audio lessons. See the 'William H. Bates, Author's Page', for Video of internal book pages, full description of the Paperback, Kindle and 20 free E-books.

Clark Night preserves Dr. Bates Books; In 4th grade Elementary School I had to wear eyeglasses to see the blackboard. My teacher also wore glasses. Children pick up eyestrain, incorrect use of the eyes, tension and lowered vision from being around people that wear glasses, stressful experiences in school. I hated the glasses and threw them out in a couple weeks. I sat closer to the blackboard and this prevented strain, effort to see and the vision returned to clear. I could then see clear from the back of the class when necessary. My vision remained about 20/20-20/40 for years. In 10th grade high school I needed glasses again to read the blackboard. I threw them out after 2 days. At this time I found Aldous Huxley’s book: ’The Art of Seeing’ and practiced Switching and Shifting on objects at close and far distances. I understood and practiced a little Central-Fixation. In a few seconds my vision improved and in 2 days was perfect, clear. Practicing the Bates Method activates, integrates, improves all functions of the left and right brain hemispheres, brain functions. My school grades and personality improved. In the U.S. Army I was forced to wear glasses: distant eyesight 20/40 at times. (It’s normal for vision to fluctuate. Glasses prevent natural fluctuation back to clear vision.) I refused to wear the glasses. One day while in a foxhole shooting my rifle at the distant target the Sergeant had me wear the glasses. I could not hit the target after many shots while wearing the glasses. I got mad and took off the glasses and threw them in the dirt, then aimed the rifle and hit the target easily for the remaining shots. Sargent then allowed me to permanently discontinue use of the glasses. Did not need glasses for the rest of my life until age 40-unclear close vision-extremely stressful job at a hotel. Returned close vision to clear using Huxley’s book, Bates Method, practicing methods at close distances, and then took Thomas Quackenbush’s course in San Francisco, CA. Also read fine print in the sunlight with relaxation, shifting, central fixation. Distant vision also improved to better than 20/20. Recently in 2009 I had a neck injury and it affected my vision. Neck is healing and use of Natural Eyesight Improvement, Bates Method has returned the vision to clear at age 57. I know from experience that the Bates Method works! Eye doctors, selling eyeglasses, surgery, drugs have hid it from the public for years!
