First, We Make the Beast Beautiful: A new story about anxiety | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年5月

First, We Make the Beast Beautiful: A new story about anxiety

作者:Sarah Wilson


  紐約時報暢銷書 I Quit Sugar 作者 Sarah Wilson 已幫助全球超過 120 萬人成功戒糖,卻長期飽受焦慮之苦。她將現代人視為負擔的焦慮症狀轉變為深入我們生活中的精神導師。

  Sarah Wilson 是一名成功作家、企業家與勇於解決問題的人。她同時深受焦慮症的煎熬。在她閱讀精神醫師凱·傑米森描述自己躁鬱症經驗的名著《躁鬱之心》時,Wilson 發現了一句即將改變生活的至理名言:要戰勝野獸前,必須先美化牠。

  對 Wilson 而言,長期焦慮 (chronic anxiety) 就是自己的野獸,而上述諺語將幫助她理解病情並扭轉一切。由於這件事將陪伴她走過很長的一段歲月,必須學會將之視為引導,而非敵人。Wilson 研究觸發事件、治療與方式。她廣泛閱讀並採訪了其他受害者、心理健康專家、哲學家甚至是達賴喇嘛,將所學結合自己的經歷融合驗證。她認為即使焦慮症是危險的、必須服藥控制的疾病,但透過定義它為一種精神追求,而非痛苦折磨,此渴望感將使我們接近真正重要的核心所在。

  實用、詩意、睿智並有趣。Wilson 希冀本書能鼓舞無數靈魂,擁抱焦慮並視為自己的一部分,讓自己、家人與伴侶都能與這野獸和平共處,並探索更豐富、富足的生命可能性。

  「這可能是我讀過關於與焦慮症共生最棒的書了。」–馬克‧曼森,《管他的:愈在意愈不開心!》作者(文 / 博客來編譯)

  ’I loved this book.’ Matt Haig, author of Reasons to Stay Alive

  ’Probably the best book on living with anxiety that I’ve ever read.’ Mark Manson, author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

  If you have anxiety, this book is for you. If you love someone who is anxious, this book is for you.

  I Quit Sugar founder and New York Times bestselling author Sarah Wilson has lived through high anxiety – including bipolar, OCD and several suicide attempts – her whole life. Perhaps like you, she grew tired of seeing anxiety as a disease that must be medicated into submission. Could anxiety be re-sewn, she asked, into a thing of beauty?

  So began a seven-year journey to find a more meaningful and helpful take on anxiety. Living out of two suitcases, Sarah travelled the world, meeting with His Holiness The Dalai Lama, with Oprah’s life coach, with major mental health organizations and hundreds of others in a quest to unravel the knotted ball of wool that is the anxious condition. She emerged with the very best philosophy, science and hacks for thriving with the beast.

  First, We Make the Beast Beautiful is a small book with a big heart, paving the way for richer, kinder and wiser conversations about anxiety.


  “Probably the best book on living with anxiety that I’ve ever read, and I have (unfortunately) read many. Sarah is full of expert advice while remaining grounded and incredibly human. Her vulnerability is her strength. And after reading, it will hopefully be yours too.” (Mark Manson, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck)

  “A witty, well-researched, and often insightful book about negotiating a new relationship to anxiety.” (Andrew Solomon, New York Times Bestselling author of Far From the Tree)

  “Sarah’s life mission is to help us all feel less lonely in our pain. These pages are filled with authenticity and clear direction for how to return to our spiritual truth.”(Gabrielle Bernstein, #1 New York Times bestselling author of May Cause Miracles)

  “A tremendously entertaining, wise, and effective book on how to walk through anxiety and reclaim life. Sarah’s battle and triumph over anxiety inspires and gives solutions that work. First, We Make the Beast Beautiful resides at the intersection of science and lived-experience. I know of nothing in the same league.”  (Xavier Amador, Ph.D., psychologist and founder of the LEAP Institute)

  “An affecting memoir of coping with anxiety over a busy lifetime. […] Those who endure anxiety will find Wilson’s thoughtful, often funny self-analysis to be just the right companion and affirmation.” (Kirkus)

  “Uplifting, earnest […] practical, and filled with delightful asides, this book will appeal to anxiety-prone readers, who will find much to calm them in these pages.” (Publishers Weekly)


  Sarah Wilson is a journalist, entrepreneur, and the New York Times bestselling author of First, We Make the Beast Beautiful and I Quit Sugar. She is the former editor of Australian Cosmopolitan, and she blogs on philosophy, anxiety, minimalism, toxin-free living, and anti-consumerism at She lives in Sydney, rides a bike everywhere, is a compulsive hiker, and is eternally curious.
