雅思口說教戰手冊:從流利度與連貫性、字彙、文法到發音,讓你思考、講英文就像個母語人士:(附QR Code英美雙聲發音音檔) | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年10月

雅思口說教戰手冊:從流利度與連貫性、字彙、文法到發音,讓你思考、講英文就像個母語人士:(附QR Code英美雙聲發音音檔)

作者:Brett Lindsay 林熙


  雅思滿分記錄保持者、留學考試教父Brett Lindsay林熙


  ★Parts 1-3高頻口說真題擬答、高分替換用字、道地搭配詞、老外慣用語,活用表達,不再死背硬答。
  ★ 英文「言之有物」:流利度、連貫性、字彙、文法、發音,讓你思考、講英文就像個母語人士,不考雅思也必備的口說寶典。
  ★擬真IELTS口試情境音檔,首創英美雙聲發音,打破雅思英國腔迷思。QR Code 隨掃隨聽,快速適應考官面試。

  ■全職考生Jonathan 短期密集訓練,雅思口說Band 8
  ■全職考生Austin 短期密集訓練,雅思口說Band 7.5
  ■上班族(每天上班9小時)Rice兩個月雅思口說Band 6進步到Band 7,接著再考又進步到Band 7.5
  ■FB 網紅Louis 兩個月雅思口說Band 5進步到Band 7
  ■全職考生Jennifer 六個月雅思口說Band 4.5進步到Band 7.5
  ■William一個半月雅思口說Band 5.5進步到Band 6.5
  ■Jessica兩個月雅思口說Band 5.5進步到Band 7.5



「留學考試教父」Brett Lindsay 林熙

  •「LINDSAY 林熙留學教育」創辦人兼教學總監,提供國際學校與國內體制背景考生培養紮實應考實力之課程
  •每年親自應考留學考試,SAT/TOEFL/IELTS 滿分紀錄保持者
  •二十年來專精研究與教授留學考試:GRE, GMAT, SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS
  •FB:www.facebook.com/brett311/ (2.03w)




Preface 作者序
Unit 1: Mini IELTS Overview 快速進入雅思的世界
1-1 General Overview of the IELTS  到底雅思是怎麼樣的考試
1-2 Speaking Test Overview 快速了解雅思口說
1-3 Speaking Band Descriptors 考官眼裡的雅思口說評分標準
1-4 Myth Busters 破解雅思口說的各種迷思 
Unit 2: How to prepare for the IELTS speaking test 必練!雅思口說的自我訓練法 
Intro You MUST practice every single day!  一天不練口說,你就會生疏!
2-1 How to Practice Fluency and Coherence 怎麼練流利度與連貫性
2-2 How to Practice Vocabulary 怎麼練字彙
2-3 How to Practice Grammar 怎麼練文法
2-4 How to Practice Pronunciation 怎麼練發音
2-5 The Ultimate Answering System 老外思路答題法(AYEFX)
2-6 What you must do 考試你一定要做到的事!
2-7 What you must avoid 考試你千萬不要做的事!
Unit 3: Part 1 (Short Answers) 雅思口說第一部分 : 快問快答
3-1 How the examiner sees Part 1 考官眼裡的Part 1
3-2 The first four questions and the compulsory question set 考前四題 & 必考話題
3-3 How to use grammar for a high score 怎麼利用文法得到Part 1高分
3-4 Model answers to different topics 真題滿分答題示範
Unit 4: Part 2 (Long Turn) 雅思口說第二部分 : 換你講
4-1 How the examiner sees Part 2 考官眼裡的Part 2
4-2 How to use the prompts  沒人教過你提示卡真正的用法!
4-3 Note taking (or not)  找出適合你的筆記法!
4-4 The Master Stories Method - The Guaranteed Answer 主軸故事法-保證 Part 2 講滿兩分鐘!
4-5 Theme 1: Describe an Experience 主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題一 : 描述一個經驗
4-6 Theme 2: Describe Information/Entertainment 主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題二 : 描述資訊或娛樂
4-7 Theme 3: Describe an Object 主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題三 : 描述一個物件
4-8 Theme 4: Describe a Person  主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題四 : 描述一個人
4-9 Theme 5: Describe a Place  主軸故事法-滿分答題示範 主題五 : 描述一個地方
Unit 5: Part 3 (Discussion) 雅思口說第三部分 : 探討
5-1 How the examiner sees Part 3 考官眼裡的Part 3
5-2 Good vs Bad Part 3 Answers 好的與不好的Part 3答題範例
5-3 How to repeat yourself without losing points  想重複講,又怕被扣分?不怕!我教你重述的藝術!
5-4 How to buy time 分秒必爭,要怎麼多爭幾秒而不被扣分?!
5-5 How to answer when you have nothing to say 沒話講的時候也不怕,我教你! 
5-6 Questions divided into themes with model answers 真題滿分答題示範
5-7 How to cheat the system 口說考試也可以偷吃步!
Unit 6: Wrap up 說再見的時候了!
6-1 Greetings and Farewells 應對考官的基本禮節
6-2 Asking for clarification – be proactive! 不要當被動的考生,拿到主導權!高分在握!
6-3 Timing of your test 什麼時候去考試最好?
Afterword後記:Why this book is also suitable for people who simply want to improve their spoken English. 為什麼這本書也適合單純想把英文口說練好的人


  I’ve decided to combine the best of what I have learned over the last 20 years teaching IELTS speaking and researching the test into this book. It contains by far the most useful speaking training methods and the best IELTS answering techniques you will ever find. Nothing has been left out.

  Reading this book is like being taken on a journey. You’ll be systematically trained in the English speaking skills of fluency and coherence, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Next, you’ll be led even further on your journey by learning how to not only think like a native speaker but also talk like one with the Ultimate Answering System (AYEFX).

  Reading this book is also like taking a class in which you are taught to completely master IELTS speaking. What cram schools don’t teach you and examiners are forbidden to tell you about the real Band Descriptors is revealed here for the first time. The Master Stories Method, another major part of your training, will help you develop your ability to discuss various topics at length.

  Regardless of whether you’re an IELTS test taker or someone who simply wants to vastly improve your English speaking skills, I hope that you will practice “echoing” all of the perfect-scoring recorded answers I have created for you at least 10 times each: the more you do this, the better. Also, if you are used to speaking with an American accent, feel free to echo the American voice; likewise, if a British accent is more to your taste, feel free to echo the British voice.

  The standard to set for yourself is not simply to be able to speak English, but to be able to say something! Once you can do that, you will have reached an IELTS standard of Band 7.5 or higher.

  I hope you enjoy using this book.

  I ask only one thing: practice diligently and never give up on your dreams.

  You can do it!

  我將這二十年的雅思教學經驗與研究 : 最有用的英文口說練習法與雅思口說答題技巧,毫無保留的全寫進這本書裡,不留一手。

  讀這本書,就像個旅程,帶著你有系統的練英文口說。一路從流利度與連貫性、字彙、文法到發音的訓練,接著更進一步教你 : 母語人士說英文的思維「AYEFX」,讓你從思考、講英文就像個母語人士。

  讀這本書,也像個課程,帶著你徹底的掌握雅思口說。補習班不會教你的、考官不能告訴你的 : 真正口說評分規則,在這裡將被揭開。「主軸故事法」也是重頭戲之一,這個技巧能夠紮實培養你談論各種話題的口說能力。



  當你達到這個標準時,你的雅思口說也已達到Band 7.5以上的水準。




Brett Lindsay林熙老師

1-3 Speaking Band Descriptors 考官眼裡的雅思口說評分表 You must study the Band Descriptors to understand exactly how you can achieve your ideal score. Your score is based (almost) 100% on the band descriptors, so understanding them is one of your top priorities. While most students are too lazy to study the Band Descriptors, you cannot afford to be. To give the examiners what they want, you must know how they are scoring you. If you have taken the IELTS multiple times in the past without much improvement, perhaps one of the reasons is because you don't understand the Band Descriptors. This chapter will help. 你一定要研讀評分標準,才能知道到底該怎麼做才能達到你的理想分數。你所得到的口說分數(幾乎)百分之百是根據評分標準而來,因此了解雅思口說評分標準是你的第一優先。雖然很多考生都懶得去研究評分標準,但你可承受不起這個後果。為了要講出考官想要聽到的答題內容,你必須知道他們是怎麼幫你打分數的。如果你曾經考過幾次雅思,但分數都沒什麼進步,很有可能是你不了解評分標準。本章將會助你一臂之力。
