沉睡在加沙 | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年7月



  This pocket-sized paperback is one of the twenty-two titles published for 2015 Hong Kong International Poetry Nights. The theme of IPHHK2015 is “Poetry and Conflict”. 21 international poets from 18 different places are invited to participate in recitations, symposia and sharing sessions of the Poetry Nights. A recitation focusing on 10 local Hong Kong poets, “Hong Kong Cantonese Poetry Night” is included. This collection seeks to make accessible the best of contemporary international poetry with outstanding translations.




  Najwan Darwish, one of the foremost Arabic language poets of his generation, was born in Jerusalem in 1978, exactly thirty years after his family was exiled from their home in the western part of the city. Shortly after becoming a lawyer, he decided to give up law and devote himself to literature. Since the publication of his first collection in 2000, Darwish’s poetry has been acclaimed across the Arab world and has been translated into fifteen languages. In 2009, he was on the Hay Festival Beirut’s list of the "best 39 Arab authors under the age of 39."

耶路撒冷 (I)   6
Jerusalem (I)

耶路撒冷 (II)   9
Jerusalem (II)

即使在戰爭中   15
Even in War

沉睡在加沙   18
Sleeping in Gaza

丟失的,早已不再   24
Nothing More to Lose

這個世界會好的   30
The World Will Be Good

開往撒布拉和夏蒂拉的夢靨巴士   38
The Nightmare Bus to Sabra and Shatila

就像這些樹木   44
Like These Trees

在天堂 (I)   47
In Paradise (I)

在天堂 (II)   50
In Paradise (II)

拉開窗簾   53
To Draw Back the Blinds

即使在戰爭中我突然想低頭看看自己疼痛的下半身一時間又制止自己,唯恐找不見身體的一部分我帶著這丟失的部分,一路走下樓梯又拖著殘缺的身體,爬上床去(依然不忍細看)我已經不在乎究竟殘缺了何處就算記得是何時怎樣受傷,也於事無補即使在戰爭中,我仍舊是匆匆過客(牛子牧 譯)Even in WarI considered looking at my lower halfwhere I could feel the painbut held back for the moment , fearingnot to find some part of meI kept on down the stairs, my missing partstill with me, and here I amclimbing into bed with my wanting body(still not looking), and it no longer matterswhere the damage is, and it will do no goodto remember how I was woundedEven in war, I was just a passer-by(Translated by Kareem James Abu-Zeid)
