Hi!How are you你一定要會的基本問候語(50K附MP3) | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年6月

Hi!How are you你一定要會的基本問候語(50K附MP3)


  史上超強的英文問候語,  讓你學習如何用英文思考。
  英文就和中文一樣簡單,  掌握基本語句,  用最自然的態度、最實用的語句、最道地的問候語,  和外國人溝通、和世界接軌。
  What the hell…    How are you doing?  
  ****深入分析****  逢人就打招呼,就像說「你好」一樣簡單:” How are you doing?”熟或不熟都適用。
  ****應用會話****  A:How are you doing?  你好嗎?  B:Good. How about you?  很好。你呢?
  ****應用會話****  A:How are you doing, pal?  兄弟,你好嗎?  B: I’ve got a cold.  我感冒了!

026    Hi嗨!
027    Hello.  你好!
028    Hi, there.   嗨,你好!
029    Hey.     嘿!
030    Hello, guys.哈囉,各位好!
031    How are you?你好嗎?
032    How are you doing?你好嗎?
033    How is your father?你父親好嗎?
034    How is Mr. White?懷特先生好嗎?
035    How is your family?你的家人好嗎?
036    How do you do?你好嗎?
037    How are you this morning?今早好嗎?
038    How are you today? 你今天怎麼樣?
039    How are things going with you?你現在好嗎?
040    How are things?事情都順利吧?
041    How did it go?事情順利吧?
042    How have you been?近來好嗎?
043    How's it been going?近來如何?
044    What's new?近來好嗎?
045    How was your day at work?今天工作順利嗎?
046    What happened?發生什麼事了?
047    What's the matter?有問題嗎?
048    What's the matter with you?你發生什麼事了?
049    What's the problem?有什麼問題嗎?
050    What's your problem?你腦袋有問題嗎?
051    What's the trouble?怎麼了?
052    Is there something wrong?有什麼問題嗎?
053    Is that a problem?有困難嗎?
054    What's up?有事嗎?
055    Yes?怎麼啦?
056    I'm doing great.我過得不錯。
057    I'm OK.我很好!
058    Where are you off to?你要去哪裡?
059    So?所以呢?
060    Same as always.老樣子!
061    Not as good as usual.不像平常那麼好!
062    Not so good.沒有那麼好!
063    Not as good as I thought.沒有像我想像中的這麼好!
064    Nothing special.沒什麼特別的事!
065    So far so good.都還過得去!
066    So-so.馬馬虎虎啦!
067    Not too bad.不差!
068    Nothing is happening.沒事啊!
069    That's about it.事情大概就是這樣!
070    Did you hear about what happened?你有聽說發生什麼事了嗎?
071    I heard about what happened.我聽說發生的事了!
072    Good luck.祝你好運!
073    Good-bye!再見!
074    See you next time.下次見。
075    See you in a few minutes.等會見!
076    I'd like to introduce Bob.我來介紹一下鮑伯。
077    Bob, let me introduce Mr. Jones.鮑伯,我來介紹一下瓊斯先生。
078    I'd like you to meet Bob.我想讓你來見一下鮑伯。
079    Come to see my friend.來認識一下我的朋友!
080    This is Chris.這位是克里斯。
081    I'm pleased to meet you.我很高興認識你。
082    Nice to meet you.很高興能認識你。
083    I've heard a lot about you.久仰大名!
084    Are you familiar with David?你和大衛熟嗎?
085    I don't think you've met Peggy.我想你沒見過佩姬吧!
086    Have we ever met before?我們以前見過面嗎?
087    My name is Bob.我的名字叫鮑伯。
088    Come on in and sit down, please.請進來坐吧!
089    Coffee?要喝咖啡嗎?
090    Do you live around here?你住在附近嗎?
091    Are you OK?你還好吧?
092    How are you feeling now?你現在感覺如何?
093    I have a cold.我感冒了!
094    I've got a fever.我發燒了!
095    I've got a headache.我的頭好痛!
096    I ache all over.我渾身都在痛!
097    I can't eat.我無法進食!
098    I can't stop coughing.我不停地咳嗽。
099    I'm staying home from work.我正休假在家。
100    It's a bad cold.是重感冒。
101   You should listen to the doctor.你應該要聽醫生的話!
102   You'd better stay in bed.你最好是躺在床上休息。
103   You should get some more rest.你要多多休息!
104   Did you take medicine?你有吃藥了嗎?
105    I lost somewhere in the house.我把它弄丟在房子裡的某個地方了!
106   What a surprise!好訝異呀!
107   What a coincidence!多巧啊!
108   Good to see you again.真高興又見到你!
109    I haven't seen you for ages.真是好久不見了。
110    It's been a long time.好久不見了!
111    That seems like such a long time.好像好久喔!
112    You look great.你看起來氣色不錯耶!
113    You look upset.你看起來很沮喪喔!
114    You look tired.你看起來累了!
115    You look familiar.你看起來很眼熟!
116    You look worried about something.你看起來好像在擔心什麼事。
117    Do I know you?我們認識嗎?
118    We've known each other for a long time.我們認識很久了!
119    Here's my bus.我等的公車來了!
120    It's not good for your health.那對你的健康不好!
121    I have to go.我要走了。
122    Have you ever been to Paris?你有去過巴黎嗎?
123    Yes, please.好的,謝謝!
124    I'm sorry to hear that.聽到這件事我很遺憾。
125    That's too bad!太糟了!
126    How unfortunate!真不幸啊!
127    How awful!真是太可怕了!
128    That's a pity.真可惜!
129   What bad luck!運氣真是差呀!
130    I hope it's nothing serious.希望情況不會太嚴重。
131    Sorry for that.我為那件事感到抱歉啦!
132    Good to hear that.很高興聽見這件事。
133    Thank you.謝謝你。
134    Thank you anyway.總之,還是很謝謝你!
135    No, thanks.不用,謝謝!
136    Thank you for your concern.謝謝你的關心。
137    Thanks again for everything.這一切真的要很感謝你!
138    Thank you for all you did.感謝你所做的一切!
139    It's really nice of you.你真是太好了。
140    I appreciate that.我很感激!
141    You're welcome.不必客氣!
142    Don't mention it.不必客氣!
143    You have us.你有我們(陪你)啊!
144    I'll be here with you.我會陪你度過一切!
145    It's good to have you here.有你在真好!
146    Let me know if there's anything I can do.如果我能做點什麼,請告訴我。
147    You are really thoughtful.你真是太周到了。
148    Do you need anything?你有需要什麼東西嗎?
149    Where have you been?你都去哪啦?
150    I guess.我猜測的!
151    Let me have a look.我看一下。
152    It hurts.會很痛!
153    How long have you had it?這樣的狀況有多久了?
154    Is that so serious?有這麼嚴重?
155    I really need to take a break.我真的需要休息一 下!
156    Would you like a cup of coffee?要不要喝一杯咖啡?
157    Would you like something to drink?要不要來點飲料?
158    I'm on a diet.我在節食中!
159    What did you have for dinner?你們晚餐吃了什麼?
160    Here you are.來,給你!
161    Are you serious?你是認真的嗎?
162    I'm serious.我是認真的。
163    You can't be serious!你不是認真的吧?
164    Are you sure?你確定嗎?
165    I'm not sure.我不確定。
166    No kidding.不是開玩笑的吧!
167    I'm kidding.我是開玩笑的!
168   You must be kidding.你是在開玩笑的吧!
169   You asked for it.是你自己找罪受!
170   You really think so?你真的這麼認為?
171    I see.我了解了!
172    I got you.我懂你的意思。
173    I don't get it.我不懂!
174    I didn't catch you.我沒有聽懂你的意思!
175    I'm confused.我被搞得糊里糊塗的!
176    You're confusing me!你把我搞得糊里糊塗的。
177    I'm proud of you.我為你感到驕傲。
178    You must be proud of yourself.你一定為自己感到驕傲。
179    You really make me proud.你真的讓我感到驕傲。
180    I'm tired of it.我對它感到很厭煩了。
181    I'm sick of it.噁心死了!
182    This is too much!真是太過份了!
183    I hate this.我恨死這一切了。
184    Be quiet.安靜!
185    Did I bother you?我有打擾到你嗎?
186    I'm sorry to bother you.很抱歉打擾你。
187    Don't bother me.不要來打擾我!
188    Please don't bother.不必麻煩你了。
189    It really bothers me.這讓我很困擾!
190    It's not necessary.沒有必要啦!
191    Can you manage it by yourself?你可以自己處理嗎?
192    I can handle this by myself.我可以自己處理。
193    Oh, boy!天啊!
194    There you go again!你又來了!
195    Keep in touch.要保持聯絡喔!
196    Call me sometime.有空要打電話給我。
197    Calm down.冷靜一下!
198    Take it easy.放輕鬆點!
199    Don't worry.不要擔心!
200    Don't worry about me.不要擔心我!
201    I'm so worried about you.我真的很擔心你。
202    Cheer up.高興點!
203    What are friends for?朋友就是要互相幫助!
204    You deserve it.你應得的!
205    Can I get you alone?我能不能跟你單獨相處一會兒?
206    Can I talk to you?我能和您談一談嗎?
207    Got a minute to talk?現在有空談一談嗎?
208    It won't keep you long.不會耽誤你太久。
209    Let's change the subject.我們換個話題吧!
210    I don't want to talk about it.我不想討論這件事。
211    Let's talk about it later.晚一點再聊吧!
212    Congratulations!恭喜!
213    Could you give me a hand?你能幫我一個忙嗎?
214    I need your help.我需要你的協助。
215    Can you help me with this?可以幫我這個忙嗎?
216    May I help you?需要我效勞嗎?
217    I'll see what I can do.我來看看我能幫什麼忙!
218    What makes you think so?你為什麼會這麼認為?
219    Did I make myself clear?我說的夠清楚了嗎?
220    Is that clear?夠清楚嗎?
221    Do you hear me?聽懂我的意思了嗎?
222    Don't make fun of me.不要嘲笑我!
223    You teased me.你在嘲笑我。
224    What are you laughing at?你在笑什麼?
225    Never mind.算了!
226    Don't even think about it.想都別想!
227    That's all right.沒關係!
228    No problem.好,沒問題!
229    Don't take it so hard.看開一點!
230    Let it be.就讓它過去吧!
231    Everything will be fine.凡事都會沒問題的!
232    I know how you feel.我瞭解你的感受!
233    Let me drive you home.讓我載你回家。
234    Can you give me a lift?可以開車送我一程嗎?
235    What's the rush?趕著要去哪裡?
236    I'm falling in love with him.我愛上他了!
237    I can't live without her.沒有她我活不下去!
238    I just can't help it.我就是情不自禁。
239    Give me a break.饒了我吧!
240    Come on!你少來了!
241    Get out!少來了!
242    I don't buy it.我不相信!
243    What does it mean?那是什麼意思?
244    What do you mean by that?你這是什麼意思?
245    It's not what I meant.那不是我的意思。
246    I didn't mean to.我不是故意的。
247    I don't want this.我也不想要這樣!
248    Says who?誰說的?
249    Hurry up!快一點!
250    Cool.真酷!
251    That's really something.那真是了不起!
252    We have a deal.我們已經有共識了!
253    It's no big deal.沒什麼大不了!
254    I'm counting on you.萬事拜託了!
255    We will see.再說吧!
256    It depends.看情況再說!
257    It's enough.夠了!
258    Stop it.住手!
259    Excuse me.借過一下。
260    I didn't do anything.我什麼事也沒做。
261    Stay where you are.待在原地!
262    Hands up!手舉起來!
263    It's a good idea.好主意!
264    How much is it?這個要多少錢?
265    I'll take it.我決定要買了。
266    It happens.常有的事。
267    It's going to happen.事情百分百確定了。
268    How come?為什麼?
269    Why not?為什麼不要?
270    I'm glad to hear that.我很高興知道這件事。
271    I'm really happy for you.我真為你感到高興。
272    Good for you.對你來說是好事。
273    I'm not telling.我不會說。
274    No comment.不予置評!
275    I'm not myself today.我今天什麼都不對勁!
276    I don't know.我不知道。
277    I don't know for sure.我不太清楚。
278    I don't know for sure at the moment.我現在還不知道!
279    I know nothing about it.我一無所知!
280    You're not listening to me.你沒在聽我說!
281    I can't believe it.我真不敢相信!
282    It's impossible.不可能!
283    Is that so?真有那麼回事嗎?
284    I have a question.我有一個問題!
285    No shit!不會吧!
286    I agree with you.我同意你。
287    I couldn't agree less.我是絕對不會同意的。
288    I don't have time.我沒有空。
289    I'm quite busy now.我現在很忙。
290    I'm afraid not.恐怕不行喔!
291    I guess I will.也許我會。
292    I guess so.我想是吧!
293    Maybe, maybe not.可能吧!
294    I have no choice.我別無選擇。
295    It's up to you.由你決定。
296    You decide.由你決定!
297    Make up your mind.作個決定吧!
298    I have decided.我已經決定了!
299    I haven't decided yet.我還沒有決定。
300    I hope so.希望如此。
301    I warned you.我警告過你了。
302    I've told you not to do it.我告訴過你不要這麼做了!
303    I'll do my best.我會盡力的!
304    Try again.你再試試。
305    I'll try.我會試試看。
306    I'll say.的確是這樣。
307    In or out?你到底要不要參加?
308    Count me in.把我算進去。
309    I quit.我退出。
310    It's getting worse.事情越來越糟了。
311    It's about time.時候到了。
312    Time to go.該走了!
313    It's a long story.說來話長。
314    It's a piece of cake.太容易了。
315    No sweat.沒問題!
316    It's my fault.這都是我的錯。
317    I made a mistake.我弄錯了!
318    It'll all work out.事情會有辦法解決的。
319    So what?那又怎樣?
320    I don't care at all.我一點都不在意。
321    Who cares!誰在乎啊!
322    Nobody cares!沒有人會在乎!
323    It means nothing.沒啥意義!
324    It's none of your business!你少管閒事!
325    It's not the point.這不是重點。
326    Anyone else?還有其他人要嗎?
327    Is that all?全部就這樣嗎?
328    Watch this.看我的!
329    Aren't you gonna do something?你不想點辦法嗎?
330    Never.從沒有過!
331    I bet.我敢打賭!
332    When are you leaving for L.A.?你什麼時候要啟程去洛杉磯?
333    Anytime.隨時都歡迎!
334    Sorry, I took so long.抱歉,耽擱這麼久!
335    I'll miss you.我會想念你的!
336    What for?為什麼?
337    How could I forget!我怎麼會忘了呢?
338    That's fine with me.我沒意見。
339    Good job.幹得好!
340    Not on your life.一輩子都別想!
341    I'd rather you didn't.你最好是不要!
342    Are you still upset?你還在難過嗎?
343    Take your time.慢慢來不要急。
344    Something happened.事情不太對勁喔!
345    Keeping busy?在忙嗎?
346    Let's get it straight.我們坦白說吧!
347    Any discount?有沒有折扣?

Hi.嗨!隨口打招呼的用語,適用在要開口問候前使用,或當成有其他事要說明時的開場語,有打破沈默的意味。適用對象遍及所有人,正式與非正式場合也都適用。A: Hi. My name is David.嗨!我的名字是大衛。B: I’m Tracy.我是崔西!A: Good to meet you.真高興認識你!A: Hello, Mrs. White.你好,懷特太太!B: Oh, hi, David. How are you?喔,嗨,大衛。你好嗎?A: Good. How about you?我很好,你好嗎?
