Otitis Externa: An Essential Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年7月

Otitis Externa: An Essential Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment

作者:Harvey, Richard G./ Paterson, Sue

The investigation and management of ear disease occupies a significant portion of a veterinary clinician's time. Otitis externa, in particular, is likely to be seen by a busy small animal clinician at least once a day. Otitis Externa: An Essential Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment provides a comprehensive source of information on the relevant structure, function, medical treatment, and surgery of the ear, from Otodectes cynotis to Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The book details the salient points of diagnosis and treatment and includes more than 200 colour illustrations.Topics include: The anatomic relationship of the components of the external, middle, and inner ear and normal ear functionDiagnosis of otitis externa, including history, examination, biopsy, and imaginThe aetiology and pathogenesis of otitis externaProper ear cleaning and assessing the integrity of the tympanum, the discharge, and the canalMedical management of ear disease and primary and secondary causesClinical signs, diagnosis, and management of otitis mediaOtotoxicity and other side effects of otic medicationAural ablation and bulla osteotomyChronic, and chronic recurrent, otitis externa is frustrating and costly to the owner and often painful for the animal. Concise and user-friendly, this text helps clinicians identify signs of this condition, make an appropriate diagnosis, and plan the best treatment options.

Richard G. Harvey, BVSc DVD, Dip.ECVD, FSB, PhD, MRCVSThe Veterinary Centre, Cheylesmore, Coventry, UKSue Paterson, MA, VetMB, DVD, DipECVD, MRCVS, RCVS and European Specialist in Veterinary DermatologyRutland House Referral Hospital, St Helens, Merseyside, UK
