Myofascial Trigger Point Release of the Upper Extremity | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年7月

Myofascial Trigger Point Release of the Upper Extremity

作者:Co, Caroline Joy

Course Description This course will teach myofascial trigger point release concepts. By utilizing the trigger point techniques, patients make rapid improvement in their status. Outcomes have reflected reduced therapy sessions with permanent improvement as well as the patient's ability to self-manage their condition with the home exercise programs. Methods for locating and deactivating trigger points using a variety of techniques and modalities will be explored. After reading the book, you will be able to use these techniques immediately upon return to your practice. Myofascial release involves sustained pressure and graded stretch applied to the soft tissue, which is guided entirely by the feedback obtained from the patient's body. The feedback felt by the therapist while applying the stretch determines the direction of the stretch, its duration, and the amount of force applied. From shoulder disorders to elbow injuries to debilitating hand and wrist problems, quicker improvement and more favorable outcomes are unquestionably dependent on proper rehabilitation technique and individualized, forward thinking concepts, and application. What were previously considered complementary therapeutic methods are now proven, evidence-based techniques and modalities that care for the total patient and are imperative for today's therapist. Myofascial release can benefit individuals of almost all age groups; the release of the muscle tightness (as a result of fascial involvement) facilitates the maximal elongation of the muscles, leading to a decrease in the constant pull being experienced by the tendons and other associated structures. Course Objectives 1. Demonstrate how to identify and correct for the most common factors that precipitate and perpetuate myofascial trigger points. 2. Identify techniques for deactivating trigger points including trigger point pressure release and myofascial release. 3. Interpret client history and assessment findings to ascertain irritability. 4. Utilize self-care techniques for deactivating trigger points. 5. Demonstrate trigger point palpation using STAR palpation. 6. Apply strain-counterstrain techniques and integrated neuromuscular inhibition techniques to deactivate trigger points.

Caroline Joy Co, PT, DPT, CHT, CSFA, is a licensed physical therapist and certified hand therapist whose clinical experience includes acute, subacute, home health, and outpatient settings. Her background includes Community-Based Therapy that is designed to help people with disabilities access therapy in their communities. She is the President and CEO of, an online resource for U.S. hospitals and clinics that seek to sponsor and hire foreign-trained rehabilitation therapists. She specializes in hand therapy through an integrated approach that includes education, counsel, and exercise. She is also certified in functional assessment for work hardening and work conditioning. Co is also the President of Rehabsurge, a continuing education company and a contracting agency. Her past affiliations include Long Beach Medical Center, Horizon Health and Subacute Center, and Grandell Therapy and Nursing Center. Co was a professional speaker for Summit Professional Education, Cross Country Education and Dogwood Institute. She received her transitional doctorate from A.T. Still University and her BS in Physical Therapy from University of the Philippines College of Allied Medical Professions. She is licensed in California, Nevada, and New York.
