泌尿外科護理英文情境對話 | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年10月




Surgical Nursing外科護理1. Patient Admission (患者入院)22. Medical Examination (醫學檢查)53. Taking Vital Signs and Testing Blood Sugar (測量生命體征和血糖)84. Penicillin Skin Test (青霉素皮試)105. Intravenous Infusion (靜脈輸液)126. Collecting Urine Sample (留取尿標本)147. Urine and Stool Sample Analysis (大小便標本檢驗)178. Dispensing Oral Medication (口服給藥)209. Preoperative Education (術前指導)2310. Postoperative Nursing Care (術后護理)2611. Postoperative Activity Guidance (術后活動指導)2912. Diet Guidance (飲食指導)3213. Mental Health Nursing (心理護理)3614. Insomnia (失眠)3915. Infusion Reactions (輸液反應)4216. Blood Preparation (備血)4517. Shift Change (交接班)4818. Telephone Visits (電話訪問)5119. Delivering Nebulizer Treatment (霧化吸入)5420. Electrocardiographic Monitoring (心電監護)5621. Fall Prevention (防跌倒措施)5922. Pressure Ulcer Prevention (壓瘡防控)6223. Catheter Slippage Prevention (導管滑脫防范)6524. Preoperative Bowel Preparation (術前腸道准備)6825. Postoperative Hypertension Management (術后高血壓處理)7126. Postoperative Bleeding Management (術后出血處理)7327. Smoking Cessation Guide (戒煙指導)7628. Diarrhea Treatment (腹瀉處理)8029. Postoperative Pain Management (術后疼痛處理)8330. Postoperative Fever Management (術后發熱處理)8731. Septic Shock (感染性休克)9132. Introduction of Hospital Environment (住院環境介紹)9433. Patient Safety Education (安全教育)97目錄〖〗〖〗泌尿外科護理英文情景對話Urological Nursing泌尿外科護理1. Catheterization (導尿術)1022. Bladder Irrigation (膀胱沖洗)1053. Bladder Spasm (膀胱痙攣)1084. Prostatic Diseases (前列腺疾病)1115. Health Education of Radical Prostatectomy (前列腺癌根治術術后指導)1146. Levator Anal Muscle Exercise (提肛肌鍛煉)1177. Assessment of Urine (尿液評估)1198. Preoperative Education of Bladder Cancer (膀胱癌術前指導)1229. Surgical Methods of Bladder Cancer (膀胱癌手術方式)12510. Removal of Urethral Catheter (拔除尿管)12811. Double?J Ureteric Stent (雙「J」管)13112. Stoma Care (造口護理)13413. Urinary Fistulas (尿瘺)13814. Robotic?assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy (機器人輔助前列腺手術)14115. Targeted Biopsy of the Prostate (前列腺靶向穿刺)14416. Cystoscopy (膀胱鏡檢查)14717. Prevention and Control of Catheter Related Infections (導尿管相關感染防控)14918. Surgical Treatment of Early Stage Renal Cancer(早期腎癌手術治療)15119. Urinary Calculus (泌尿系統結石)15420. Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (經皮腎鏡碎石術)15721. Overactive Bladder (膀胱過度活動症)160
