胃腸系統(原版英文醫學教程) | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年6月


作者:[英]CheshireE. 編

風暴式醫學教程 叢書是由世界著名的醫學出版公司Mosby推出的大型系列醫學教程 叢書。該叢書一經推出立即受到海外醫學院校學生的歡迎,成為醫學類暢銷書。 該叢書是由國外知名醫學專家指導、由優秀的醫學院校學生執筆的系列教輔書。特殊的編寫方式能免去超負荷學習的負擔,有助于學生迅速、準確地掌握現代醫學課程的核心知識和最新概念。 該叢書囊話了醫學基礎與臨床的主要學科,其簡明、系統的英文,能使你全面、快迅地掌握醫學專業英語;低價高值的定位將讓全國醫學生以國內的價格購買買到國外的暢銷教輔書。 本書是《風暴式醫學教程》叢書中的《胃腸系統(原版英文醫學教程)》。

Preface Acknowledgements Dedication Part 1:Development,Structure,and Function 1.Overview of the Gastrointestinal System Anatomical overview Functions of the gastrointestinal tract Constituents of food Overall development of the gastrointestinal tract 2.The Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Organization of the mouth and oropharynx Organization of the oesophagus Functions of the mouth,orpharynx,and oesophagus 3.The Stomach Organization of the stomach Gastric fundctions 4.The Liver,Biliary Tract,and Pancreas Organization of the liver and biliary tract Metabolic functions of the liver Bile production and function Organization of the pancreas Exocrine pancreatic function 5.The Small and Large lntestine Organization of the intestine Cellular functions of the small intestine Digestion and absorption in the small intestine The flora of the gastrointestinal tract Transport and secretion in the large intestine Motility of the large intestine and defecation Part ll:Cinical Assessment 6.Taking a History Common presenting complaints 7.Examination of the Patient General inspection Hands and limbs Head and neck Thorax The abdomen Rectal and genital examination 8.Further lnvestigations lnvestigations of the gastrointestinal function Routine investigations lmaging of the gastointestinal system Part lll:Basic Pathology 9.Pathology of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract The mouth and oropharynx The oesophagus The stomach 10.Pathology of the Liver,Biliary Tract,and Pancras General aspects of hepatic damage Disorders of metabolism lnfectious and inflammatory disease Alcohol,drugs,and toxins Circulatory disorders Hepatic disease in pregnancy Disorders of the biliary tract Disorders of the exocrine pancreas 11.Pathology of the Small and Large lntestine Congenital abnormalities lnfections and enterocolitis lnflammatory disorders of the bowel Malabsorption syndromes Obstruction of the bowel Colonis diverticulosis Vascular disorders Neoplastic disearse of the bowel The peritoneum Part lv:Self-Assessment Multiple-choice Questions Short-answer Questions Essay Questions MCQ Answers SAQ Answers lndex
