【問題】Acute otitis media?推薦回答

作者:Ehrlich, Garth D. (EDT)/ Demeo, Patrick J. (EDT)/ Costerton, J. William (EDT)/ Winkler, Heinz (EDT)

During the recent transition between acute diseases caused by swarms of single planktonic bacteria, and chronic infections caused by bacteria growing in slime-enclosed biofilms, a general clinical ...

作者:Block, Stan, M.D./ Harrison, Christopher J., M.D.

作者:Anatomical Chart Company

The Middle Ear Conditions Anatomical Chart 2E provides a visual overview of common middle ear conditions and their treatments as well as normal ear anatomy. In this edition, even more middle ear co...

作者:Durand, Marlene L. (EDT)/ Deschler, Daniel G. (EDT)

This text serves as a practical but comprehensive guide to diagnosing and treating ear, nose, throat, and sinus infections. The 30 chapters have been contributed by otolaryngologists and infectious...

