Viral hemorrhagic fevers have captured the imagination of the public and made their way into popular books and movies by virtue of their extreme virulence and mysterious origins. Since 2001, concer...
Infectious diseases are an ever present threat to humans. In recent years, the threat of these emerging viruses has been greater than ever before in human history, due in large part to global trave...
Zoonotic Viruses of Northern Eurasia: Taxonomy and Ecology provides a review of modern data of the taxonomy, distribution, and ecology of zoonotic viruses in the ecosystems of Northern Eurasia. Wit...
作者:Guerrant, Richard L./ Walker, David H./ Weller, Peter F.
Tropical Infectious Diseases: Principles, Pathogens and Practice, by Drs. Richard L. Guerrant, David H. Walker, and Peter F. Weller, delivers the expert, encyclopedic guidance you need to overcome ...