
作者:Sharma, S. B. (EDT)

When Franklin published her book on cyst nematodes in 1951, the cyst nematodes were already known as serious pests of brassicas, cereals, potatoes and sugar beets. However, at that time this group ...

作者:Enyemadze, Isaac

作者:Vasilev, Steven A.

作者:Dishwad, Lucas

作者:Sharma, S. B.

When Franklin published her book on cyst nematodes in 1951, the cyst nematodes were already known as serious pests of brassicas, cereals, potatoes and sugar beets. However, at that time this group ...

作者:Khadidja, Hamrat,Achour, Yahia


  醫護術語是醫療團隊成員間直接溝通或間接溝通的專業語言,醫護相關科系的學生學習醫護術語是進入醫學領域的入門功課。本書編寫的重點是以常用的醫護英文術語及與醫護相關的一般英文字彙為主,學習者研讀本書後,不僅能閱讀醫學英文病歷、診斷與醫囑,亦能聽懂及念出醫護術語,以勝任臨床實務工作。   初學者如果使用強記英文的方式學習醫護術語,不僅非常難學,也容易失去學習的興趣;有效率、有邏輯的學習方法是先...

作者:Tan, Jane/ Tan, Eunice (CON)

Without warning, death robs a first generation Christian of her husband of 42 years and her partner in life and ministry. God had saved his life miraculously time and again, so Jane questions, "Why...

作者:Okaichi, Tomotoshi (EDT)/ Fukuyo, Yasuwo (EDT)/ Hata, Yoshihiko (EDT)/ Iizuka, Shoji (EDT)/ Ishida, Yuzaburo (EDT)

This book examines large-scale outbreaks of red tide along coastal areas, which is associated with fish and shellfish mass mortalities through poisoning. This book discusses the red tide phenomena ...

