【問題】HPV疫苗 2020?推薦回答

作者:Laycock, Douglas,Hasen, Richard L.

作者:Lizza, Ryan,Nuzzi, Olivia

Ryan Lizza is the Chief Washington Correspondent for Politico and a political analyst for CNN. Since 1998, he has covered five presidential campaigns and every major national political story. Lizza...


侯友宜:「只要我在新北市市長一天,就會把防災小紅帶在身邊,才能安心。」   穿上紅背心,新北市府團隊上戰場,   承載四百多萬市民的期待,   超前部署、對抗疫情、應變災難。   我們都在同一艘船上,只有相同的敵人   每個下一秒,都是抗疫的下一步;   紅背心的征途只有一個:讓市民安心過生活。   在災害應變的各種場合,總可以看見新北市府團隊作戰的圖騰——紅背心;它不僅承載著四百多萬...

作者:Sanchez, Nancy Lee

Nancy Lee Sánchez is the Executive Director for the Kaplan Educational Foundation. With over 20 years of expertise providing greater access to higher education, improving the college experience, an...

作者:Buildings, Francis Taylor

The author team are from Francis Taylor Building (FTB) who are well-known for the environmental law practice, plus a contribution from Professor Maria Lee who is Professor of Environmental Law at U...


  無力感及恐懼,是啟動病毒傳播的主要原因   個人的力量感及平安感,是最佳的預防策略   新冠肺炎爆發以來,新聞也好,專家也好,談防疫、洗手、戴口罩、打疫苗的節目非常多,但沒有人從身心靈角度做深刻的探索;換句話說,不會有人去問這次新冠肺炎的病毒,到底為世界帶來什麼樣的貢獻,大家不管用防堵或佛系的方法,都是把它視為敵人,沒有看到它在生物上的連動關係。老子說過,「禍兮福之所倚,福兮禍之所伏。...

作者:Weiner, Tim

Tim Weiner has won the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award for his reporting and writing on national security and intelligence. He covered the CIA, the war in Afghanistan, and crises and con...

作者:Michael Mayor

你需要一本養分豐富的紙本詞典!     書林出版有限公司與擁有百餘年歷史的英商麥克米倫教育出版公司再度攜手合作,隆重推出學習型詞典的表率--《麥克米倫高級英漢雙解詞典》。本詞典在台灣翻譯學學會理事長蘇正隆教授的主持下,匯集多位專家學者精心編撰,將榮獲國際大獎的Macmillan English Dictionary譯成中文,在英漢對照之下,不僅可學習英語,也示範英漢雙語之間的翻譯之道。   ...


2020本屋大賞TOP 10!   日本Bookmeter網站 最想看的書No.1!     連續3年問鼎「本屋大賞」!新世代故事之王掏空心力的最高傑作!   熱賣突破16萬冊!一部顛覆想像、撼動五感的全新「體感型小說」!     《無限的i》是一部結合我所有想法與技巧的作品,   我可能已經無法再寫出如此耗費心神的小說了吧。   這是到目前為止我的最高傑作,   請盡情享受這個目眩神迷的夢...

作者:Dk Eyewitness


Dr. Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban (Member’12-Senior Member ’15, IEEE) received the bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Madras, Chennai, India, in 2002, the master’s degree...

作者:Ellis, Grant

Grant Ellis was the photo editor of Surfer magazine for 17 years (2003-2020). He is the photo editor at Surfer’s Journal and continues his career as a surf photographer. Beau Flemister is an award-...

