
作者:Rafiq, Fiaz

Fiaz Rafiq is a sports and entertainment journalist and author. After 15 years writing for bestselling magazine Martial Arts Illustrated (MAI) and contributing to magazines such as MMA Uncaged, Fig...


☆年度暢銷冠軍《投資最重要的事》續作重磅推出☆ 2019-2020市場週期大反轉!所有人都想知道: 我們處在週期何處?下一個投資機會在哪? ☆多頭空頭、景氣好壞都能賺的秘密,投資天王告訴你☆   華爾街天王、國內外金融界領袖一致推薦經典   橋水基金創辦人瑞‧達利歐盛讚:   「本書是一本必讀之作,原因不僅是書中討論的每種週期都非常重要,   更因為霍華是他的世代最頂尖的投資大師之一...


當代頂尖金融怪傑、系統化交易一代宗師 ── 賴瑞‧海特唯一親筆自傳 ── 「不管是交易、創業與人生,都是計算賠率的問題, 只要你願意,你就做得到!」     ★ 華爾街形容他:「啟發了一整個世代的趨勢與量化交易管理者。」   ★ 他是當代金融怪傑中,最神祕、最低調、不是賺最多錢,但卻是「始終留在場上贏錢」的怪咖!   ★《金融怪傑》Jack D. Schwager、《超級績效》Mark Mi...

作者:Tunstall, Sherrod

Sherrod Tunstall is a St. Louis native. His first novel, Spicy, which was inspired by his job, family, and friends, put Tunstall on the map. He loves traveling from city to city to meet readers and...


  麥肯錫全球資深董事暨台灣分公司總經理 章錦華 專文推薦   本書由常駐台灣近24年、服務多家台灣最重要企業,   麥肯錫全球策略與企業併購業務負責人:賀睦廷 領銜,   正宗麥肯錫三大合夥人耗時5年,針對企業經營策略扛鼎之作   取材公司樣本來自麥肯錫官方數據庫,   囊括全球2393家大型企業、59個行業、62個國家及地區,追蹤研究時間長達15年   3大成功面向 × 10大績效...

作者:Allen, Hillary

In 2017, world-class ultrarunner Hillary Allen was at the top of her sport--and it felt like she was running on top of the world as she competed in Norway's Troms Skyrace. Allen was nearly halfway...

作者:Dillon, Bryant,Dillon, Barbra,Rhodes, Sam

作者:Greene, Joshua M.

Deborah E. Lipstadt, the Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies at Emory University, is one of the world’s leading authors and scholars of Holocaust history. Her successful ...

作者:Lewandowski, Corey R.,Bossie, David N.

Corey R. Lewandowski serves as a senior advisor to Trump-Pence 2020. He is also president and CEO of Lewandowski Strategic Advisors, LLC. He previously served as campaign manager and chief politica...

作者:Tate, Benny

Benny Tate, PhD, has served for over 30 years as the senior pastor of Rock Springs Church in Milner, Georgia. Dr. Tate serves as president of the Congregational Methodist Denomination and has serve...

作者:Davisson, Farrell R.

作者:Parkinson, Ben

Ben Parkinson MBE is well-known as the most injured soldier to have survived the Afghanistan-Iraq conflict. 15 years on from sustaining extensive injuries after his Land Rover hit a mine in Helmand...

