【問題】Salmonella antibiotics?推薦回答

作者:Shotwell, Thomas K.

The current flood of alarming scientific papers, books, newspapers, television, and Internet sites generates near hysteria in some circles, but the general public is now learning about super bacter...

作者:Perrett, Heli

The Safe Food Handbook is an essential guide for everyone, especially those most vulnerable to unsafe food--pregnant women, older adults, young children, those with serious health conditions--and a...

作者:Cossart, Pascale (EDT)/ Maloy, Stanley (EDT)

Bacterial pathogens cause numerous human diseases. This collection from Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine surveys the spectrum of bacterial pathogens from Salmonella and Shigella to Helio...

作者:Waltner-Toews, David

What sex is to interpersonal relationships, eating is to the human-environment relationship: a consummation of humans connection to the living biosphere. But while sticking one s tongue into a new ...

