【問題】Viral hemorrhagic fever?推薦回答

作者:Singh, Sunit K. (EDT)/ Ruzek, Daniel (EDT)

Viral hemorrhagic fevers have captured the imagination of the public and made their way into popular books and movies by virtue of their extreme virulence and mysterious origins. Since 2001, concer...

作者:Salvato, Maria S. (EDT)

This volume presents protocols that analyze and explore hemorrhagic fever viruses (HFV). This book is divided into 5 parts: Part I begins with an overview on predicting viral pandemics and then cov...

作者:Wright, Lawrence

  突如其來的病毒肆虐,在印尼的一個難民拘留所,爆發嚴重的出血性熱病,四十七位病患不治身亡。亨利帕森(Henry Parson)是微生物與傳染科專家,身為世界衛生組織駐印尼的代表,他迅速地展開病源調查。很快的,他將發現病毒可能從狹小的難民營,擴及全球…   一名受感染的男人,將前往一年一度的伊斯蘭聖地朝聖,前往麥加的旅程,有超過數百萬名伊斯蘭教徒,將深陷感染風險中。亨利與沙國王子合作,將進...

作者:Gubler, D. J. (EDT)/ Kuno, Goro (EDT)

Dengue fever, and its more recent severe form known as dengue hemorrhagic fever, is the most important arthropod-transmitted viral disease of humans in the world today. Each year, 50-100 million ca...

作者:Swearengen, James R. (EDT)

Significant advances have been made in animal model development for biological research since the publication of the first edition of this volume, and the ramifications of the FDA's Animal Efficacy...

作者:Arbuthnot, Patrick

Gene Therapy for Viral Infections provides a comprehensive review of the broader field of nucleic acid and its use in treating viral infections. The text bridges the gap between basic science and i...

作者:Rothman, Alan L. (EDT)

Scientific research on dengue has a long and rich history. The literature has been touched by famous names in medicine- Benjamin Rush, Walter Reed, and Albert Sabin, to name a very few- and has bee...

作者:Koren, Herman/ Bisesi, Michael

The Handbook of Environmental Health-Biological, Chemical and Physical Agents of Environmentally Related Disease, Volume 1, Fourth Edition includes twelve chapters on a variety of topics basically ...

作者:Krause, Richard M. (EDT)

Emerging Infections is a reprint of the inaugural volume of the thematic serial, Biomedical Research Reports Series that provides annual updates on hot topics of interest to a broad spectrum of the...

