【問題】abridged anosognosia questionnaire?推薦回答

作者:Bolton, Kate,Brace, Ian

Ian Brace, based in Oxford, UK, is a fellow of the MRS and runs training courses on questionnaire design. He was previously director of research methods at TNS UK and a visiting professor in market...

作者:Bolton, Kate,Brace, Ian

Ian Brace, based in Oxford, UK, is a fellow of the MRS and runs training courses on questionnaire design. He was previously director of research methods at TNS UK and a visiting professor in market...

作者:Melville, Herman

Herman Melville was an American novelist, short story writer, and poet. He also worked as a schoolteacher, clerk, and sailor, and his writing was not well known at the time of his death; however, ...


  ‧涵蓋範圍與目標更有彈性   本書涵蓋基本的工程熱力學主題,為學生研究應用熱力學至各種專業領域以及研究熱力學更高階的主題,提供了足夠的準備。除了熱力學或工程熱流科學,本書也試著涵蓋一些不同科系希望包含的主題,由於學生的背景、先修課程與課程介紹深度變異甚大,因此我們有次序地安排本書的內容,使得內容量也相當具有彈性。     ‧理論與實務結合   本書內容已重新安排,更加符合學...

作者:Swinburn, Kate,Porter, Gillian,Howard, David


  全書共分 13 章,主要內容包括基本材料科學的材料簡介(第 1 章)、原子結構與鍵結(第 2 章)、基礎結晶學與固體之晶體構造(第 3 章)、固體中之缺陷(第 4 章)、擴散(第 5 章)、金屬之機械性質(第 6 章)、金屬之強化機制(第 7 章)、材料之破損(第 8 章)、相圖(第 9 章)、相變化(第 10 章)、金屬的性質、加工製造與應用(第 11 章)、金屬之腐蝕與氧化(第 12...


  熱傳學為應用科學中的基本課程之一,主要以流體力學、熱力學等學科為基礎,並與許多工程實務密切相關,如電子設備的熱管理、熱交換器設計、冷凍空調工程與能源產生及轉換等,故在各大專院校的機械、化工等相關科系,通常被安排為必修科目,若能徹底了解箇中精髓,對讀者在升學、研究及就業必有助益。本書重點特色整理如下:     說明熱傳的基本原理及相關現象,並在介紹每種熱傳模式之初,先介紹相關統御方程式的通...


  本書以循序漸進的陳述方式,詳盡介紹材料科學與工程學的基本概念,內文使用易於瞭解的詞彙,提高初學者的理解能力。     以提問作為開端   在每章的開始,以一句「為什麼要研讀……?」作為開場。引起好奇的提問,除了可誘發讀者的學習興趣外,並可藉此說明課程主題的重要性,提供讀者在進入章節前應有的認知。     範例及觀念考驗    文中除有詳細的例題演練供讀者演算練習外,並於適當的段落切入「觀...

作者:Churchill, Sir Winston S.

Sir Winston S. Churchill (1874-1965) was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on two occasions, from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. Celebrated as one of the greatest leaders of the 20th ...

作者:Churchill, Sir Winston S.

Sir Winston S. Churchill (1874-1965) was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on two occasions, from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. Celebrated as one of the greatest leaders of the 20th ...


Arndt Büssing is a medical doctor and professor for quality of life, spirituality, and coping at the Witten/Herdecke University, Germany.

