

作者:Williams, Mary E. (EDT)

The Perspectives on Diseases and Disorders series provides clear, careful explanations that offer readers insight into what these conditions are, what causes them, how people live with them, and th...

作者:Tisserand, Maggie

Addressing the challenge of serious infection, especially MRSA, in hospitals, in the community, and in animals, Maggie Tisserand focuses on the scientifically proven effects of antibacterial essent...

作者:Ayliffe, G. A. J./ English, Mary P.

The continuing battle to control hospital infections has ranged from the earliest days of hospital care when bad air or miasma was thought to be the cause, to the present day emergence of antibioti...


  (全一冊)「若在月圓之夜的時候,和對方在舊禮堂中接吻的話,兩人就能永遠在一起了!」……… 凌聖學園裡流傳著7個愛情傳說,據說照著傳說的內容去做的話,就能夠和心愛的人在一起了!對此深信不疑的律香,非常渴望能早日遇到命中注定的另一半,因此拼了命地想達成這些傳說, 不過,每次在重要關頭,卻老是被一個叫做久世的男生壞了好事!兩人因此成為了一對歡喜冤家! 然而,在朝夕相處之下,兩人之間的情愫似乎悄...

作者:Fluit, Ad C. (EDT)/ Schmitz, Franz-Josef (EDT)

作者:Chang, Hernan R.

In this short novel, the lives of three persons acutely ill from methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections are depicted. This book is also a narrative about a potential public h...

作者:Chang, Hernan R.

We are witnessing a worldwide increase in infections with Staphylococcus aureus, commonly called S. aureus, or simply "Staph." Many of these infections are due to invasive strains of methicillin-re...

作者:Yinduo, Ji (EDT)

MRSA Protocols for Methods in Molecular Biology provides a comprehensive collection of the most up-to-date techniques for the detection and investigation of MRSA. Each chapter begins with a brief i...

作者:Ayi, Bertha S.

This is a concise, authoritative and timely book which explains the recent increase in Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections in the US and around the world. It is a great re...

