
作者:Saunders, Imogen

Imogen Saunders is Lecturer in Law at the Australian National University, Canberra.


Elliott R. Jacobson, DVM, PhD, DACZM was born in Brooklyn, NY. He attended Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, and in 1967 he earned his BS degree in Biology. Next, he earned a M.S...

作者:Lovell, Nathan

Nathan Lovell is Director of Postgraduate Studies at George Whitefield College, South Africa.


  ★法國Amazon芳香療法NO.1暢銷作家丹妮兒‧費絲緹之作   ★系列書在全球銷售近200萬冊   ★本書被譽為「法國芳療的配方寶典」,收錄1000個芳香精油配方!   ★每一個配方都是具醫療規格、無可取代的精油建議   你想遠離抗生素嗎?   你想擺脫反覆發作的症狀嗎?   這本書給想用純天然精油改善日常疾病的你   無論是一年之中反覆受感染的呼吸道問題,   還是壓力大,經常頭...

作者:Umino, Chica

Chica Umino is one of the most decorated and best-selling authors in modern day Japan. She is the first comic artist to win the manga grand slam, having taken the Tezuka Prize, the Manga Gran Prix,...




Matteo Bonelli is Assistant Professor of European Union Law at the Faculty of Law at Maastricht University, the Netherlands. Mariolina Eliantonio is Professor in European and Comparative Administra...


法國AMAZON長銷9年, 植物療法類No.1暢銷書! 本書迄今已拯救了數萬個0~10歲孩子, 125種症狀的精油處方,強化孩子的免疫防禦力!   你也因為小孩常常生病而苦惱嗎?   你也擔心小孩吃太多藥會對身體不好嗎?   小孩在1至6歲間平均會得66次感冒,   並且經常會伴隨支氣管炎,喉炎或耳炎。   既是藥劑師,又是芳療師的丹妮兒,   她也是位媽媽!這本芳療書是所有父母...

作者:Jewell, Lisa

Lisa Jewell is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of nineteen novels, including The Family Upstairs and Then She Was Gone, as well as Invisible Girl and Watching You. Her novels have sold ove...


作者:Cole, Tim

Tim Cole is Professor of Social History at the University of Bristol and Director of the Brigstow Institute, which brings researchers together across the university to work with those outside it ex...

作者:Eccs - European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (EDT)

This book elucidates the design rules for composite structures according to Eurocodes 3 and 4. Numerous examples facilitate the application of the standards The European Convention for Constructi...


◆ 兒童發展專家王宏哲最新情緒成長繪本 ◆ 不說教也能教出自律好孩子! 教規矩X教同理心X教情緒表達   ★ 隨書贈1桌遊1學具:【海底龍宮生活規矩大富翁】、【趕走壞情緒轉盤】   孩子常常講不聽嗎?   其實孩子聽不進大人的話都是有原因的……   獨特雙情境設計,教出孩子「自律」及「反省」能力   「哼!為什麼小孩都要聽你們大人的規定?」   悠悠是一個什麼都想照自己意思做的孩子, ...

