香港現場! | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年10月



  This pocket-sized paperback is one of the twenty-four titles published for 2017 Hong Kong International Poetry Nights. The theme of IPHHK2017 is “Ancient Enmity”. IPNHK is one of the most influential international poetry events in Asia. From 22–26 November 2017, over 20 invited poets from various countries will be in Hong Kong to read their works based on the theme “Ancient Enmity.” Included in the anthology and box set, these unique works are presented with Chinese and English translations in bilingual or trilingual formats.


傑閎‧格庵Jérôme Game

  跨界創作人,1971年生於法國巴黎,旅居巴黎與紐約兩地。著作超過二十本,曾出版有聲詩CD以及影像詩DVD,在法國及世界各地作公開演出,與視覺藝術家、音樂家、舞台導演和編舞師進行跨界合作。著有數本關於當代美學的文集。2015年在摩洛哥卡薩布蘭卡進行第一次個展。他的詩作有中、日、英、西、意等譯本。2017年倫敦Barque出版社出版了他的英譯詩集Flip-Book & other image-poems。

  (France 法國)

  Jérôme Game , born in Paris in 1971, has been based in between Paris and New York City over the last few years. Since 2000 he has published over twenty books, several CDs (of sound-poetry), one DVD (of videopoems), and given numerous public performances of his work in France and abroad (Europe, North Africa, Asia, Americas). Translation, correspondence, appropriation: it is across various practices and disciplinary borders that his poetry recomposes, often in collaborations with visual artists, musicians, stage directors and choreographers. He has also published several essays on contemporary aesthetics and had his first exhibition in 2015 in Casablanca, Morocco. His poems have been translated into several languages (English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese) and later in 2017 Flip-Book & other image-poems, a collection of English translations, will come out with Barque Press in London.

HK Live!   8
HK Live!

Extrait de écrire à meme les choses, ou   49
From writing on the things themselves, or

(節錄)5. 句子有我的句子沒有框架中心點沒有監護人,找尋它的高度寬度長度不能測量我散文是不能延伸跨過去的,一種空降突擊或一個單句是範圍之外,框限之外有純自然的本質,是這個這樣美,不單是不同它織著織出短的,長的,全不刻死固定而是開放,將所有確信的放逐遷徙,是這個這樣美這 寬廣恢宏的大氣航程削剪削除框限我的框限帶回來的是向所有的風開放是知道將句子走出範圍走出框限產生張力,令意念找到語言,到範圍框架外佈署材料的鋪展,接合,令氣艇升空,撐持至適合飛行的事物誕生遠離菁英旁側擊出的曲線球 在看不見的事物內部,這個不被看見,看不見的內部我的字母將滴落些甚麼?無組織無骨架的句子(句子沒有年代框限,沒有保護人,沒有脊椎),是一個接種移植的系統! 5.(excerpt) the sentence has my sentence has n’frame no center no tutor, look for its heightwidth, engthhas n’meterme.p rose is that which without enjambment, the para or the phrase is off-field, off the f rame i nessencei n itselfp ure, this is what so beautiful, not only different i that weaves i weaving, that runs, follows, circles by opening the, p ushes everything on, this is what so beautiful this wide-b odied air lanes p areoff the frame frame me reporting it’sopen all the way it’s knowing how tot urn the phrase by pressing it om frame o t off-field, from the image o t anguage, om off-field to in t’fraame inarrange he matter as a spread, as a start, as the aerostatic he sustente an theairworthiness born out of an eslice e lice the whithin the unforseen, the unforseen, whithin the unforseen what letters am I dropping? A frameless sentence [a sentence without fraarne out, without tutor t, without spine ], a system of graft.
