Agency | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年5月


作者:Gibson William

  威廉吉普森(William Gibson),自2014年紐約時報暢銷作品Peripheral,科技發展無一不影響人類活動,這樣的書寫主軸,將如何顛覆科幻小說的套路?

  科幻大師威廉吉布森(William Gibson)創造的賽博龐克世界觀,一九八四年在其小說《神經喚術士》(Neuromancer)中獨創賽博空間(Cyberspace),啟迪後世知名科幻電影【駭客任務】系列(Matrix)與史迪格‧拉森的千禧三部曲(Millennium)。


  故事有兩條主線,一條是2018年1月的舊金山與兩百年後的末日倫敦,飽受飢荒戰亂的摧殘,世界上80%的人口慘遭殺害。兩條主線相互糾纏。今日科技發達,陸續開發配戴裝置,軍方幕後找人實驗新的人工技能技術,一個名叫微麗蒂珍(Verity Jane)的女人,前來配戴新產品,名叫優尼斯(Eunice)的智能眼鏡,一款新開發的數位智能助理。足以透過面部分析,存取片段歷史資料,並根據脈絡判斷未來發展。當然此刻他們還不知道優尼斯的能耐與可能性。

  另一方面,未來已經開發出穿越時空的技術,還發展出系統(Stub),讓人穿越到過去,從未來直接插手歷史。在財閥壟斷的世界,想回到過去野心不減,為了掌握優尼斯,他們派出威爾夫(Wilf Netherton)設法取得關鍵機密。他們倆將碰撞出怎樣的火花,一個才剛開始,另一個已然成熟,科技的發展誰才是贏家?

  本作可說是吉布森以2014年的小說《The Peripheral》為基礎發展起來,同樣發生在末日倫敦。作者再次透過小說質疑科技的濫用與人性的溫柔,七十一歲的他,用犀利的眼光,精準描摹當代人如何臣服於科技。最具前瞻性的小說,看科技如何影響人心。

  William Gibson has trained his eye on the future for decades, ever since coining the term "cyberspace" and then popularizing it in his classic speculative novel Neuromancer in the early 1980s. Cory Doctorow raved that The Peripheral is "spectacular, a piece of trenchant, far-future speculation that features all the eyeball kicks of Neuromancer." Now Gibson is back with Agency--a science fiction thriller heavily influenced by our most current events.

  Verity Jane, gifted app whisperer, takes a job as the beta tester for a new product: a digital assistant, accessed through a pair of ordinary-looking glasses. "Eunice," the disarmingly human AI in the glasses, manifests a face, a fragmentary past, and a canny grasp of combat strategy. Realizing that her cryptic new employers don't yet know how powerful and valuable Eunice is, Verity instinctively decides that it's best they don't.

  Meanwhile, a century ahead in London, in a different time line entirely, Wilf Netherton works amid plutocrats and plunderers, survivors of the slow and steady apocalypse known as the jackpot. His boss, the enigmatic Ainsley Lowbeer, can look into alternate pasts and nudge their ultimate directions. Verity and Eunice are her current project. Wilf can see what Verity and Eunice can't: their own version of the jackpot, just around the corner, and the roles they both may play in it.

  William Gibson is the award-winning author of Neuromancer, Mona Lisa Overdrive, The Difference Engine, with Bruce Sterling, Virtual Light, Idoru, All Tomorrow's Parties and Pattern Recognition. William Gibson lives in Vancouver, Canada. His latest novel, published by Penguin, is Spook Country (2007).
