Vascular Disorders of the Liver: Valdig’’s Guide to Management and Causes | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年10月

Vascular Disorders of the Liver: Valdig’’s Guide to Management and Causes


Dominique-Charles VALLA, is Professor of Hepatology, and Head of the Département Hospitalo-Universitaire UNITY. He is affiliated to the Service d’hépatologie, Hôpital Beaujon, Clichy-la-Garenne; the Centre national de référence, Maladies Rares, Maladies Vasculaires du Foie (CRMVF); the Université Paris Diderot, Paris; and the CRI, Inserm U1149, Paris. He was the co-founder and coordinator of the European Network for Vascular Disorders of the Liver (EN-Vie), 2000-2005; the founder and head of CRMVF, 2006-2016; and the Head of the Service d’Hépatologie, Hôpital Beaujon, 1999-2013. He served as Associate Editor for Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique, and Journal of Hepatology; as Editor-in-Chief (Hepatology) for Hepato-Gastro. He is a member of the French Association for the Study of the Liver - AFEF; of the French Society of Gastroenterology - SNFGE (where is served as governing board member, 2007-2016, and President in 2015); of the European Association for the Study of the Liver - EASL (where he served as governing board member 2009-2012, policy counsellor 2008-2012, and member of UEG public affair committee 2009-2012); and the American Association for the Study of the Liver - AASLD. He has authored articles, chapters of books and delivered conferences on vascular disorders of the liver, the liver in systemic diseases, portal hypertension and the complications of cirrhosis. He has authored425 publications in peer-review journalsDr. Juan Carlos García-Pagán is a Senior consultant in Hepatology and Head of the Hepatic Hemodynamic Unit at the Hepatology service of Hospital Clínic Barcelona. He also is deputy director of research in IDIBAPS/Hospital Clinic and associate Professor at University of Barcelona. Since 2017, he is the head of a group of research at IDIBAPS Barcelona and CIBERehd. He is Associate Editor for "Hepatology" and he was co-founder of the European VALDIG Group and co-founder of the Spanish registry REHEVASC both devoted to the study of vascular liver diseases. Recently, due to all the activity done at Hospital Clínic Barcelona, this hospital has been designated European reference center for rare hepatic vascular diseases (ERN-Liver). He has authored almost 400 publications, book chapters, 4 clinical guidelines and has directed more than 20 doctoral thesis. He has been Principal investigator in more than 40 competitive and non-competitive projects. Dr. Garcia-Pagan’s research has been mainly translational in the area of the pathophysiology, methods of evaluation and treatment of portal hypertension as well as in the natural history, diagnosis and treatment of vascular disorders of the liver. Andrea De Gottardi is head of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, full professor at the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences of Università della Svizzera Italiana and consultant at Epatocentro in Lugano. He studied medicine in Lausanne and Heidelberg and graduated in 1994. He trained in internal medicine and obtained a PhD at the University of Berne before completing his GI and Hepatology fellowship in Geneva. As a recipient of a EASL Sheila Sherlock post-doc award, he joined the research group of the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona where he worked 2 years under the supervision of Professor Jaime Bosch, focussing on the complications of portal hypertension. He joined the Hepatology team of Prof. Jean-François Dufour atInselspital in Berne before moving to his current position in 2019.He leads a research group working on the effects of the intestinal immune system on the regulation of blood flow at the Institute of Research in Biomedicine in Bellinzona. As a researcher-clinician, he coordinates a multicentre project on thrombotic disorders of the liver and participates as a co-investigator in several international studies including the European reference Network on Rare Liver Diseases. He serves as chair of the EASL-VALDIG Consortium (vascular liver disease group). Former president of the Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver and co-founder of the Swiss liver patient association.Pierre-Emmanuel Rautou (MD, PhD) graduated from Bordeaux Medical School in 2003. He completed his residency in Hepatology and Gastroenterology in Assistance PubliqueHôpitaux-de-Paris until 2009 and received his medical degree from the University of ParisVII. He spent 4 years as a research fellow at the INSERM Unit 970 in the laboratory of Drs Alain Tedgui and Chantal Boulanger (Paris Cardiovascular Research Center @HEGP) where he studied the effects of cell derived microparticles on endothelial cells. He earned his Doctoral degree in vascular biology and haemostasis in 2011 from the University of Paris-VII. He then joined the haemostasis laboratory of Prof. Nigel Mackman at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA) where he studied the role tissue factor in chronic liver diseases. In 2012, Dr Rautou joined the department of Hepatology at the University of Paris-VII (Hôpital Beaujon, Clichy, France) as Assistant Professor to take the lead of the splanchnic hemodynamic laboratory. He is also researcher at the INSERM Unit 970 (Paris Cardiovascular Research Center @HEGP) in a team dedicated to endothelial cell biology. Pierre-Emmanuel Rautou is member of the French Association for the Study of the Liver (AFEF). He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Hepatology. He became member of the EASL young investigator concerted action group in 2013.
