The Great Filth: The War Against Disease in Victorian England | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年7月

The Great Filth: The War Against Disease in Victorian England

作者:Halliday, Stephen

How the Victorians struggled to overcome diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and scarlet fever in their citiesThis is the fascinating story of howasmall group of dedicatedindividuals fought opposition from politicians, taxpayers, and often their own colleagues to overcome disease in overwhelmingnumbers, and make the country a safer place for everyone to live. Victorian Britain was the world's industrial powerhouse, supplying a global demand for manufactured goods. As it changed from an agricultural to an industrial economy, people swarmed into the towns and cities. Overcrowding and filthy living conditions were a recipe for disaster, and diseases such as cholera, typhoid, scarlet fever, smallpox, and puerperal (childbed) fever were a part of everyday life for town- and city-dwellers. However, thanks to a dedicated band of doctors, nurses, midwives, scientists, engineers, and social reformers, by the time the Victorian era became the Edwardian, they were almost eradicated, and no longer a constant source of fear."

Stephen Halliday isthe author of"The Great Stink of London" and" Newgate.""
