Using Wikis for Online Collaboration: The Power of the Read-Write Web | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年9月

Using Wikis for Online Collaboration: The Power of the Read-Write Web

作者:West, James A./ West, Margaret L.

How can online instructors and course designers' instruction harness the popular Web 2.0 tool, the wiki, for successful collaboration and learning outcomes? This book focuses on using wikis in the active learning processes that are the hallmark of collaborative learning and constructivism. It provides both the pedagogical background and practical guidelines, tools, and processes for accomplishing these goals with special emphasis on wikis and other collaborative design tools. This book supports the effective design and delivery of online courses through the integration of collaborative writing and design activities.

THE AUTHORSJames A. West is an associate professor in the Department of Instructional Design and Technology, Western Illinois University. He has conducted extensive research in both graduate and undergraduate courses using wikis and Web 2.0. Margaret L. West is the IT systems manager for the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Research at Western Illinois University. Her twenty-five-year career has included work in higher education, K-12, and the private sector.
