Karl Barth: An Introductory Biography for Evangelicals | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年6月

Karl Barth: An Introductory Biography for Evangelicals

作者:Galli, Mark

This refreshingly accessible introduction to Karl Barth by Mark Galli takes readers on a whirlwind tour of the life and writings of this giant of twentieth-century theology. Galli pays special attention to themes and topics of concern for contemporary evangelicals, who may need Barth's acute critique as much as early-twentieth-century liberals did--and for surprisingly similar reasons.

Mark Galli is editor in chief at Christianity Today and the author of many books, including Jesus Mean and Wild: The Unexpected Love of an Untamable God; Beyond Bells and Smells: The Wonder and Power of Christian Liturgy; and Beautiful Orthodoxy: The Goodness, Truth, and Beauty of Life in Christ.
