Twin Witness to Betrayal | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年9月

Twin Witness to Betrayal

作者:Padilla, Katherine

Foiled in its covert attempt to gain an unending supply of arelada, Earth's Zarrist empire determines to go after it by force. By all appearances Earth's Director of Intelligence, Sanel King, has lost control of the Royal Twins, but even as Novaun celebrates the return of the twins, it reels with the information that King may be its most notorious criminal--a telepathic genius believed to be dead.Paul and Deia Doshyr learn about their tragic family past and discover they may have been witnesses to their father's murder. As they work to adjust to Novaun's telepathic culture and become a part of extended families they don't remember, young Novaunian anthropologist Miaundea Quautar fights her attraction for the Earthon traitor Dr. Ton Luciani while seeking to unravel the mystery of why he came to Novaun.People of faith in all ages have yearned for the peace and refuge that is Zion. Mix that longing with a generous dose of fantasy, and what results are faith-based novels by Katherine Padilla that will transport readers to a harrowing but hopeful alien future.

Katherine Padilla has been writing novels since age 13. As a girl, she was equally intrigued by prophecies of the Last Days and the TV show Star Trek. At age 17 she wrote her first story that combined prophecy with science fiction and even submitted it to a contest. That story remains unpublished (and unpublishable!), but her interest in exploring traditional values and religious themes through speculative fiction remains as strong as ever. She has given speeches on the benefits of reading wholesome literature and has compiled resources to help readers in that pursuit on Novaun Novels at http: // She is the author of five faith-based novels
