海影 澎湖南方四島(精裝) | 生病了怎麼辦 - 2024年10月

海影 澎湖南方四島(精裝)


  澎湖南方四島國家公園為我國的第9座國家公園,亦為第2座海洋型國家公園,包含四座主要島嶼:東吉嶼、西吉嶼、東嶼坪嶼、西嶼坪嶼,以及周邊9座島礁與海域所組成,環伺的島礁,獨特壯麗的玄武岩地質景觀,在洋流的交會滋養下,南北物種的匯集形成豐富多元的海洋生態環境,極具推廣海洋環境教育的潛力。 為記錄與分享澎湖南方四島豐富的海洋生態環境,邀請專業的水中攝影師入海拍攝,展開一段探索的旅程,透過攝影師之眼,望見這片海域耀眼美麗的珊瑚礁景觀、魚類交錯迴游的身影,或者以特寫的角度細微觀察各類物種的萬千變化,讓讀者可以欣賞到海洋廣闊的美景與真實的色彩,也能看見這片海域的包容、變化與各種獨特的姿態。 本書以水中攝影的視角,搭配澎湖南方四島陸域攝影集《映像》,以海陸域攝影集套書,唯美並具有故事性的敘事方式,帶領讀者一同遊歷澎湖南方四島國家公園完整的風貌,並期待這一份美麗能永續長存。

  The South Penghu Marine National Park is the ninth national park and the second marine national park in Taiwan. It consists of four major islands: Dongji Yu, Xiji Yu, Dongyuping Yu, and Xiyuping Yu, and nine subsidiary reefs as well as the ocean regions. Around the reefs, where the unique and magnificent basalt landscape is nourished by the intersection of the currents, the species from the north to the south form an abundant and diverse marine ecology which has the potential to promote marine environment education. To record and share the abundant marine ecological environment of the South Penghu Marine National Park, we invited professional underwater photographers to shoot scenes in the sea as the beginning of a journey of exploration. Through the eyes of these photographers, we can see glittering views of the beautiful coral, and the staggering numbers of fish swimming in circles. The perspective-snapshot views attentively observing the diversity of individual species lead the readers to appreciate the beautiful landscape of the vast ocean and the true colors of nature. They can see the inclusiveness, the diversity and the unique features of the ocean. Our book takes an underwater perspective, complementing the photography collection of the land of the four islands of Southern Penghu, "Reflecting Impression." By using photography collections of the land and sea together with aesthetic and story-telling descriptions, we lead the readers on a journey to experience the comprehensive style and features of the South Penghu Marine National Park. We hope that this beauty will be everlasting.
