
作者:Chandler, Nahum Dimitri

作者:Houpis, Constantine H./ Lamont, Gary B./ Sheldon, Stuart N.

Completely revised and updated, written to be understandable for students, and practical in its coverage, this new edition features a range of new engineering applications, such as control of unman...




  無論是備受尊敬的領袖、頂尖運動員、優秀的菁英,   一生中大多數時間都是活在「不適圈」裡,   他們比你我成功,不在處於較安逸的環境,   而在懂得如何與不適共處、不斷突破瓶頸、自我進化!   ★英國皇室法律顧問、暢銷作家、導演、超級名模、企業家等各界名人共感推薦!   ★戰或逃只是一念之間,卻決定成敗的最重要關鍵!   我們身處的工作或生活中,總是充滿了各種挑戰與困境,   有壓力...

作者:Pecherski, Ryszard B.

Ryszard B. Pęcherski, PhD, DSc, isthe Head of the Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences in ...

作者:Lee, C. B.

C.B. Lee is a Lambda Literary Award nominated writer of young adult and middle grade fiction. Her works include A Clash of Steel: A Treasure Island Remix (Feiwel and Friends), the Sidekick Squad se...

作者:Lathi, B. P.,Green, Roger

B. P. Lathi is Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering at California State University, Sacramento. Dr. Lathi is renowned for his excellent writing, and each of his books has found significant ...

作者:Anderson, B.

作者:Thibodeaux, Louis J.,Schnoor, Jerald L.,Zehnder, Alexander J. B.


  本書創作的目的,在與眾不同,目標是心靈百萬富翁(Millionaire):擺脫貧窮,邁向富有!最在意的是深層的探討,就像英國詩人波普說──:   A little learning is a dangerous thing. Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.------ Alexandre Pope, 1688-1744, Brit...

作者:Martínez, Carmen Enid,McBride, Murray B.

作者:Jenkins, Jerry B.

Jerry B. Jenkins’ books have sold more than 70 million copies. Twenty-one of his titles have reached the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and Wall Street Journal best-seller lists. The...

作者:Daniels, B. J.

