

  領導是一種無法【視覺化】及【度量化】的特質與能力,嚴格說來,決定一個人是否為領導者並非自己說了算,而是能帶給周圍的人有正向感受進而獲得認同,才算是真正的領導!組織中六年級生正在思考轉型,七年級生正在尋求突破,八年級生蓄勢待發,九年級生正要登場⋯⋯⋯ 作者簡介 江緯辰   Michael老師是現今亞洲華人世界少數理論實戰經驗兼具,且能演、能說、能教、能寫的教育訓練大師。二十年授課累...




安朱·G·卡查羅弗、斯蒂芬·D·克萊門茨、A·馬茨·紮法瑞原著的《診斷性心導管檢查手冊》為心導管室手術醫生提供了實用的操作指南。書中介紹了心導管室的設備、工具、輻射暴露與安全問題、術前準備、術後護理、穿刺入路、血管造影、多功能導管、IABP、起搏器置入及其他各項技術,使讀者從最初的探索曆程到最先進的技術方法全面瞭解導管檢查。 第一章 心導管術的簡要歷史 心導管操作的歷史 ...

作者:Birch, S. A./ Mackenzie, J. T./ Cruickshanks, G.

High Pasture Cave, located on the island of Skye, Scotland, occupies a liminal location on the very edge of a settlement and appears to have been a focus for specific and special activities. Its ex...

作者:Krosoczka, Jarrett J.

Jarrett J. Krosoczka is a New York Times bestselling author, a two-time winner of the Children’s Choice Book Award for the Third to Fourth Grade Book of the Year, an Eisner award nominee, and the a...

作者:Gelernter, J. H.



作者:Lockington, Mariama J.

Mariama J. Lockington is an adoptee, writer, and nonprofit educator. She has been telling stories and making her own books since the second grade, when she wore short-alls and flower leggings every...

作者:Ward, David J.

David J. Ward entered college to study radio and television but quickly found his true passion was science. He finished with a master’s degree in geology. After working as a geologist for seven yea...

作者:Lockington, Mariama J.

Mariama J. Lockington is an adoptee, writer, and nonprofit educator. She has been telling stories and making her own books since the second grade, when she wore short-alls and flower leggings every...

作者:Nagelhout, John J.,Elisha, Sass,Heiner, Jeremy S.

作者:Harris, Muriel J.,Baraka, Muvuka

作者:Locke, M. J.

LAURA J. MIXON, here writing as M. J. Locke, is an engineer in the American Southwest with a background in the energy industry. She is a graduate of the Clarion writing workshop and an instructor a...

作者:George, Graham,Pickering, Ingrid J.

Prof. Graham George, Prof. Ingrid J. Pickering, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

作者:Johnstone, William W.,Johnstone, J. A.

William W. Johnstone is the USA Today and New York Times bestselling author of over 300 books, including Preacher, The Last Mountain Man, Luke Jensen Bounty Hunter, Flintlock, Savage Texas, Matt Je...

