

提升運動表現、解除疼痛的關鍵不在肌力, 而是能正確徵召肌肉、支持身體穩定的「神經力量」 風靡16國,幫助數千萬人解決慢性傷害、預防疼痛並增加運動表現的自我照護法 運動作家暨跑步教練 徐國峰、 解放疼痛學院(Freedom From Pain Institute)創辦人 Erik Dalton──專文作序 你想在上班一整天後仍然感覺通體舒暢,再也不肩痠背痛嗎? 你想輕鬆提起重物,而不會...


日本總共有幾隻貓?臺灣有多少個十字路口? 頭腦別被養笨了! 看起來超瞎的問題不是在要求精確答案, 而是在測試你的概算「思、考、力」!   ●企業面試題超莫名,一起來挑戰!   「馬路上的人孔蓋為什麼是圓的?」「多少顆高爾夫球才能填滿一輛校車?」「一天之中,時鐘的時針和分針會重合幾次?」這些題目看似無意義,但是其實是鍛鍊跳脫「追求標準答案」的僵化思考,推算這些答案的方法,主要就是建立一套思...


The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and his...


The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and his...


The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and his...


The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and his...


The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and his...

作者:Su, Jonathan


The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and his...


The Tuttle Publishing Company was established in 1948 in Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan and is today regarded as a premier publisher and seller of books rooted in Asian culture, language and his...

