【問題】Angioectasia vs angiodysplasia?推薦回答


紐約時報第一名暢銷書、 美國亞馬遜排行榜第一名暢銷書《怎麼說,孩子會聽 vs. 如何聽,孩子願意說》青少年版教養經典!   ★家有青少年必備的教養聖經★   學業、家事分工、門禁、處罰、戀愛、性、毒品……青春期會遇到的各種難關,該怎麼和孩子順利溝通?   國際知名的親子溝通專家教你掌握與孩子連上線的新語言,帶來易懂、實用的青春期生存指南!   在親子關係大師的引導下學習新語言,與青少年...


暢銷30年,本書至今仍然有效! 有了這本書,終於可以停止和孩子之間的爭吵了!   ◎波士頓環球報盛讚:「教養的聖經!」   ◎紐約時報親子教養書暢銷第1名作者,聯手力作的長銷經典   ◎出版30週年全新修訂版――新增收錄「跨世代的實際運用經驗分享」   ◎影響全美超過400萬個家庭  授權全球30多種語言版本   ◎美國亞馬遜暢銷榜長踞第一  讀者5顆星保證的經典教養必備   你與孩子...

作者:Campbell, David

David Campbell has worked as a freelance new media producer and content specialist for many years, including roles at IBM, the BBC, various internet consultancies and the civil service. He has a br...




  孩子為什麼會頂嘴?為什麼不受教?為什麼不懂禮貌?   那是因為他覺得,在父母或師長過高期待、或自以為是之下,有委屈,卻不讓他表達清楚、講個明白,所以他只能憤憤不平的「頂」回去,用大小聲對抗發洩。   頂嘴,從另一個角度來看,應該是可喜的,表示孩子想要跟父母、師長有所溝通,是因為聚不到焦,雙方各說各話,都不肯靜下來聽對方說,尤其是父母的態度:「你懂什麼?我過的橋比你走的路多,我還不是都為你...


培育出色又super的超優質寶寶不用花大錢.只需超「用心」, 提升寶寶IQ與EQ的教養,激發孩子無限的創造力,隨時取材.隨處可用,親子和樂易溝通!


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From comics industry titan and Ra's al Ghul's original artist, Neal Adams, comes an all-new story featuring one of the Dark Knight's greatest enemies Gotham City is under seige by terrorists, and B...

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Mark Lardas, educated as a naval architect, worked for more than 30 years as an engineer, space navigator and technical writer in the space, aviation and energy industries. He has an abiding intere...

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Donald Nijboeris a best-selling aviation author, historian, documentary writer-producer, and Smithsonian Speaker. Donald is the author of seven books for Osprey in the Duel and Aviation Elite Units...

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Jonathan Bernstein isan aviation author, historian, former attack helicopter pilot and current director of the US Army Air Defense Artillery Museum. He is the author of three Osprey Combat Aircraft...

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作者:Adams, Gregg

Gregg Adams earned a doctorate in physics in 1983 from the University of Missouri-Rolla. He is the author of Osprey’s King’s African Rifles Soldier vs Schutztruppe Soldier and US Marine vs German S...

作者:Merieau, Eugenie

Eugénie Mérieau is Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Global Law & Policy (IGLP), Harvard Law School.

