
作者:Peretz Lavie

  睡眠是所有人類共有的經驗,人在睡眠之前一律平等。幾千年來,人們都視睡眠為自然秩序不可或缺的部分,見證了自然的睿智,或是神的智慧。沒有人費神去問「為什麼要睡覺」的問題。總而言之,睡眠是發生在「晚安」與「早安」之間的事,就那麼簡單。   到了二十世紀下半葉,睡眠的科學研究方有了革命性的進展。睡眠從一項原本只有詩人及哲學家感興趣的現象,成了一項熱門的科學研究主題,同時也用上了先進的創新方法。之...

作者:Goswami, Meeta (EDT)/ Pollak, Charles P. (EDT)/ Cohen, Felissa L. (EDT)/ Thorpy, Michael J., M.D. (EDT)/ Kavey, Neil B. (EDT)

This groundbreaking book focuses on the impact narcolepsy has on a person's day-to-day life. It addresses the diagnosis, treatment, and management of narcolepsy with particular emphasis on psycholo...

作者:Nishino, Seiji (EDT)/ Sakurai, Takeshi (EDT)

Orexin/hypocretin research began in 1998, as a result of the discovery of a new hypothalamic neuropeptide. In 1999, it was found that mutations in the orexin/ hypocretin-related genes caused a slee...

作者:Montagna, Pasquale (EDT)/ Chokroverty, Sudhansu, M.D. (EDT)

Sleep Disorders Part 1 offers a glimpse of developments that focus on diagnostic techniques in the field of neurobiology of sleep. This part discusses the models of the rapid eye movement (REM) sle...

作者:Montagna, Pasquale (EDT)/ Chokroverty, Sudhansu, M.D. (EDT)/ Adachi, K. (CON)/ Allen, Richard P., Ph.D. (CON)/ Auger, R. Robert

Sleep Disorders II covers various aspects of sleep disorders. These include the different classification of sleep disorders, the genetic influences of sleep disorders, abnormality in the sleeping p...

