【問題】Chalazion vs stye?推薦回答


  經由本書認識教室裡常用物品的性質和其製造的材料,   進而避免學生在教室裡因使用不當受傷。


紐約時報第一名暢銷書、 美國亞馬遜排行榜第一名暢銷書《怎麼說,孩子會聽 vs. 如何聽,孩子願意說》青少年版教養經典!   ★家有青少年必備的教養聖經★   學業、家事分工、門禁、處罰、戀愛、性、毒品……青春期會遇到的各種難關,該怎麼和孩子順利溝通?   國際知名的親子溝通專家教你掌握與孩子連上線的新語言,帶來易懂、實用的青春期生存指南!   在親子關係大師的引導下學習新語言,與青少年...

作者:Field, Ron

Ron Field is an internationally acknowledged expert on US military history. Awarded a Fulbright Scholarship in 1982, he taught History at Piedmont High School in California from 1982 to 1983, and w...

作者:Thomas Schmidt, Brian,Maberry, Jonathan

Editor Bryan Thomas Schmidt is an author of novels and short fiction, and Hugo-nominated editor. He has edited Alan Dean Foster, Tracy Hickman, Frank Herbert, was the first editor on Andy Weir’s Th...

作者:Wert, Hal Elliott

Hal Elliott Wert, an Iowa native, is professor emeritus of history at the Kansas City Art Institute. He is the author of Hoover, the Fishing President, George McGovern and the Democratic Insurgents...

作者:Podoal Friend

  知識漫畫 × 首刷限量專屬積木套組     你家就是STEAM教室,孩子就是小小Maker!     機器人真的很萬能嗎?好想自己做一個!     放學後和朋友一起奔馳操場、揮汗踢球,是萊恩最開心的事情了。   他發現自己轉學到一間沒有足球社的學校時非常失望,   但學校竟然舉辦了一場足球比賽,   此時興奮的萊恩上前一瞧才發現,   原來在球場上比賽的,   居然是機器人?     透...

作者:Powers, Edgar

Edgar Powers is lucky enough to continue the harrowing adventures of Super Turbo and the Superpet Superhero League. He lives in New York and isn’t a fan of the evil Whiskerface.

作者:West, Kara

Kara West would love to be a superhero, mostly so she can ask squirrels what they’re so nervous about. She lives in Chicago with her own cats, who, unlike Chaos, spend more time sleeping than causi...

作者:Stille, Mark

Mark E. Stille (Commander, United States Navy, retired) received his BA in History from the University of Maryland and also holds an MA from the Naval War College. He has worked in the intelligence...


氣候變遷是假議題? 全球暖化是騙局? 沒有人告訴你,氣溫升高將加深貧富差距 未來10年,熱壓力將使8000萬人失業 地球升溫4度,全球經濟每年將損失23兆美元!   ★諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、氣候變遷經濟學之父重磅巨作★   ★《金融時報》50本世界最佳圖書入選★   ★新英格蘭圖書節非小說類榮譽獎★   ★美國出版商經濟學類專業卓越學術傑作獎★   工業革命以來,地球逐漸升溫。人類大量使用...

作者:Tobin, Paul

Paul Tobin is a comic book writer whose best known works include: The Age of the Sentry, Marvel Adventures: Fantastic Four, Marvel Adventures: Super Heroes, Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man, The Witc...

作者:Dhami, Narinder

Collins Big Cat is a whole-school reading program that provides complete support for primary reading. Children will become fluent readers through hundreds of high-quality fiction and nonfiction ban...

