

  每天一分鐘冥想,平穩準媽媽的身心靈!   受過「靈性胎教」的寶寶,出生後都特別平和喜悅   迎接寶寶誕生的同時,也療癒自己曾受傷的內在小孩   ・清理潛意識對於懷孕的抗阻,益於受孕   ・懷孕期間,保護你和寶寶遠離不好的能量   ・減輕生產時的疼痛,縮短分娩的時間   ・加速產後體態恢復,加速傷口癒合   ・降低「產後憂鬱」的發生風險   【受孕前的25個冥想練習】   清除潛意識...


!最強隊友!補完計畫→→→ 最完整的陪產指南,教你對應生產現場的每一分鐘 ●特別收錄國內執業助產師、溫柔生產醫師門診資訊●   生產不再是一個人的事! | 五十餘年專業導樂,非創傷性生產經驗的經典之作  | 產科醫師、助產師、導樂推薦,造福無數孕產家庭     進產房也要超前布署!   本書作者潘妮・西姆金是訓練有素的導樂,五十多年來,陪伴過數百個待產家庭。他長期推廣生產教育,協助創造非創傷...

作者:Greenhaven Press (COR)


Bailey Gaddis is the author of Feng Shui Mommy. In addition to her work as a doula and birth educator, she provides volunteer in-home support to the parents of newborns through Secure Beginnings. S...

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作者:Hammer, Amy

AMY J. HAMMER believes in humble methods and solid tools that help readers celebrate and cultivate glorious flavors and meaningful lives. Through her website and writing for Edible Reno-Tahoe magaz...


Clemence Jullien, Professor, University of Zurich, Roger Jeffery, Lecturer, University of EdinburghRoger Jeffery is Professor, School of Social and Political Science, University of EdinburghClemenc...

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Certified Licensed Doula, Certified Postpartum Doula, and proud mama of three I want other families to be able to reflect on one of the most significant days of their lives and have blissful though...

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作者:Tiran, Denise

Dr Denise Tiran HonDUniv FRCM MSC is an internationally renowned authority on maternity complementary medicine, having pioneered the subject as a midwifery specialism since the early 1980s. She is ...
